Interview: Pro Fighting Gamers Muji and T-Dot

We’ve all played fighting games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat when we were younger, challenging or friends and family before trying out the moves in real life and inevitably hurting yourself. As time went on most of us changed games, devoting our time and energy to newer titles and genres. However there are some gamers whose passion for fighting games never died but instead consumed them and motivated them to become better, faster and stronger.
Some even fighting competitively. I wanted to know more and knew that many others might want to hear about ins and outs of a professional fighting gamer. So I found Muji and T-Dot, two former professional fighting gamers who were kind enough to answer my questions about living the life and even organizing tournaments.
I apologize for the raw audio, I actually intended for this to be transcribed but actually enjoyed the audio version far more.
Interview: Pro Fighting Gamers Muji and T-Dot
A huge thank you to Muji and T-Dot for taking the time to answer some of our questions!
Check out more of their stuff:
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |