Interview with Twitch Streamer JonBonzeye

We got to check out an awesome Twitch streamer by the name of JonBonzeye. I’ve known Jon for some time and always knew he was good people and when I found out that he jumped into the wild world of streaming, we were happy to interview him.
Who are you and what is your brand
JonBonzeye: My name is Jon! Born and raised in the scorching desert of Arizona. I am a long-time gamer, geek, and purveyor of all things nerdy. I am a first-time streamer on Twitch and started in early October, and by November I hit Affiliate, and its been a blast ever since! I have always wanted to stream my gameplay, but never had the means or hardware to do so, until now. I go by the alias of JonBonzeye on Twitch and I mainly game with my buddies, good around, and overall try and have a chill enjoyable stream. I enjoy to play across most genres, but I mainly stick with RPG’s, MMO’s, fps’s and platformers!
What inspired you to create content?
JonBonzeye: I don’t have a muse per-say. I would say my greatest source of inspiration is my fiancé and myself!
What separates your brand from others?
JonBonzeye: It’s pretty easy to be a regular Twitch streamer, in regards to playing games, being silly, chatting with your viewers, etc. Which is fine of course as I do the same. But I personally try and be as genuine as I can with my channel, streaming and with the small streamer community as a whole. I try and give support, suggestions, and feedback to other streamers as much as I can, so we all can help each other grow together!
When you are not creating content, what do you do?
JonBonzeye: Mainly hanging out with my fiancé, playing DnD with my buddies, shooting pool, catching up on some anime/comics. I do also love going to the movies, hiking and collecting Pop figures!
Where can we find you online and how best can folks help you grow?
JonBonzeye: You can find me on Twitch at
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