Lemon Bell Tackles Long Beach Comic Expo!(Review)

Cosplayer: Angi Viper
Lemon Bell Tackles Long Beach Comic Expo!(Review)
By Sarah Huffman aka Lemon Bell Cosplay
Long Beach Comic Expo has now come and gone. First off, my name is Sarah but most folks know me by my cosplay name, Lemon Bell Cosplay! I attend a number of conventions and on my many adventures I bumped into Darth Mexican and we became friends! He couldn’t attend this convention and asked if I would, so here I am! So let’s jump right in! This was personally my first year coming to this convention but not my first at this gorgeous location. Long Beach Comic Expo was held at the Long Beach Convention Center and it has to be one of my favorite locations for a convention! This Long Beach Comic Expo was right in the thick of fantastic food locations, gorgeous scenery, and just an all around amazing atmosphere.
The moment I walked into the Long Beach Convention Center, the staff greeted me and were so kind and helpful. They showed me where to get badges, where the vendor’s hall was and so much more. Not only were they kind but they were also efficient as it took me not even one minute to walk over, get my badge and check out the con!
Adventuring into the vendor’s hall I was blown away at the space. Inside the area of the convention it’s a good size but not huge. Now going into the vendor’s hall, it was absolutely giant! So many vendors and so many artists, shops, clothing stores and merch stores. Many of the vendors I recognized from other Californian conventions so it was nice to see the shops with new merch. As well as amazing vendors there was also a side of the convention hall just for a “Space” section where there were many vendors dedicated to a ‘space’ theme. Along with some vendors from science organizations teaching kids about space and more. I thought this was so cute and really good for kids and families to stop and see, and was new to me as well. Walking around the venue was no trouble at all as there was enough space utilized by the vendors to show their wares, buyers to browse and other attendees to travel through the halls while maintaining some personal space.
As far as guests go there was a huge variety that were present at this event, ranging from amazing comic artists like Karl Altstaetter, to voice actors such as Greg Berg, to even well skilled cosplayers like Livia Chiu. Having such a diverse and well rounded group of guests really made this event worth while! It should also be noted that Long Beach Comic Expo actually went a step further than most conventions and celebrated diversity amongst the geek community by featuring “Celebrating Cuban Cultural Art” lead by Jenny Lorenzo, Leo Camacho, and Mimi Davila. If you are a fan of wrestling, you would have loved to know the WWE superstar Rikishi and Lucha Underground superstar PJ Black were at the show to meet and greet their fans. You can tell Long Beach Comic Expo tried their hardest to cover as many genres of fandom their attendees would be interested in instead of just strictly sticking with the norm of comics and cosplay. Kudos to them!
Going through the con and out the doors to the outside area that was where all of the cosplayers and photographers hung out. As a cosplayer myself this is where a good chunk of my time was spent and was so much fun. A number of talented photographers could be seen working alongside cosplayers in the common goal of getting wonderful photos. Thankfully the weather was kind and allowed for great lighting without too much heat. You could see many cosplayers doing photo shoots in different areas of the outside convention and when they stopped to take a break or transition from one model to the nest, they would just laugh and have fun. It really was a great atmosphere to be around and I felt comfortable being myself around people I didn’t know. I even met some amazing cosplayers like Chris Villian, Hendo Art, and Tara Nicole, whom all cosplayed some amazing characters! Be sure to definitely check out their stuff!
Overall this convention was a blast with meeting new people, having a gorgeous location and positive-fun atmosphere. The price of the convention was only $55 which is such a great deal for what convention goers got! I highly recommend this convention because while writing, I couldn’t think of any dull moments and will for sure be going next year!

Cosplayer: Lemon Bell Cosplay
If you would like to know more about me, I am Twitter and get myself in a number of cosplay shenanigans with my friends at multiple conventions. If you’d like to follow me, feel free to check out my Instagram and Facebook! Photos taken were both by me and a fantastic photographer by the name of James Donnelly! In the Alt title of the photos should credit which ones James did!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo