Local Cosplayer Passes Away, Here Is How To Help Her Family

Local Cosplayer Passes Away, Here Is How To Help Her Family
A cosplayer local to Arizona, Rachel Staab, has unfortunately passed away recently. In an effort to help her family cover the costs of such a tragic incident, a GoFundMe has been created which can be found at:Â https://www.gofundme.com/rachelstaab.
In the early morning October 4th Rachel had a severe epileptic seziure that caused her to go into cardiac arrest. Her mom found her and began CPR until an ambulance arrived. Paramedics were able to establish a pulse and she was taken to Desert Banner. Her condition has continued to worsen and recent CT’s and MRI’s show little to no brain activity.
Rachel is sarcastic, warm, kind, and dedicated. Her friendship is one that all of us need, her presence brightens the room and she’s a joy to be around.
Its hard to imagine Rachel not being here. She means a lot to many people; friends and family.
This campaign is raising money to help her family deal with all the medical expenses and funeral services during this difficult time. Anything will help and is much appreciated. Once you donate, please consider sharing this page.
We love you Rachel.
I personally never had the opportunity to meet Rachel but I wish I could have. I woke up this morning to a flood of messages to Rachel wishing her well and voicing their appreciation and affection for her. Although I can’t do much, I thought it would be a good gesture to at least bring awareness to the community and help spread the word about the GoFundMe to help raise money. In such terrible times we have to do what we can to ease the suffering of others.
If you’d like more information on where to donate, check out https://www.gofundme.com/rachelstaab. Anything you can spare would help tremendously and if you have time, check out the comment on the GoFundMe page, they are filled with heartfelt comments from her friends and family praising her for being such a wonderful human being.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo