Love Food and Movies? You Need to Check Out GeeksWhoEat!

One of my biggest passions in life is none other than food. There is something wonderful about sharing a good meal with beloved friends and celebrating great times! The best part is that there are so many options when it comes to food that it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the options but fear not because today I am here to introduce you to some of our favorite content creators, GeeksWhoEat!
GeeksWhoEst consists of an adorable married couple by the name of Matt and Sarah Stubbs. They also have a huge love for food, (which is one of the many reasons we are friends) and films. They have taken these two loves and combined them into awesome content where the create a food dish specifically for an upcoming film.
It should be mentioned that basic and GeeksWhoEst never can be found in the same sentence because their content is wonderfully unique and awe-inspiring. The fact that they do everything together makes everything so much better as well because you can tell they put such hard work and dedication into their content. They also provide recipes so that their fans can recreate their work!
So who are the Geeks Who Eat? How did this site come about? Well let us tell you a tale, ok not really but this is where you will learn about us!
Sarah- Known in the blogging world as DC, Sarah started blogging at DAPs Magic in 2009. The focus was primarily Disney and other geeky topics but she wanted to write about more. After realizing that in addition to geek culture, her passion was food, Geek Eats was born. When it became apparent that writing for someone’s blog just wouldn’t be enough, Sarah made the tough decision to only contribute to Geek Eats. With the encouragement and support of Matthew, the Geeks Who Eat dream became a reality.
Matthew- Matthew didn’t know what was coming for him when he started dating Sarah. Little did he know that she would be dragging him into the world of social media (kicking and screaming) and food events! Matthew is the brains behind all of the tech of Geeks Who Eat. Web Developer by day and gamer by night, it was a natural fit. He also has a great eye for photography (especially food photography) and an amazing talent for making interesting and unique drinks.
Be sure to check out their recipes and other great content on their website, Instagram, and Twitter!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |