Making A Career In Anime

There is a common saying that if you love the work you do, it isn’t working at all. But finding career satisfaction in a niche that holds the most interest for you can be tricky. Everyone has something different that they enjoy doing, but not nearly as many people are lucky enough to do this as a career.

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If you are a certified anime lover, is it possible to make a career in this industry? It is. While you might not be an artist or designer, some excellent jobs are still related to this sector that can hold appeal for anyone.

Software/Game Developer

A software developer’s job entails identifying, designing, installing, and testing a software system built from the ground up for a company. It can range from developing internal programs to assist businesses in becoming more efficient to developing systems that can be sold on the open market. A software developer creates applications that allow people to perform specific tasks on a computer or mobile device, while others develop the underlying systems that control networks.

Using tools at your disposal, such as free APIs, you can practice your skills to break into the world of software design and utilize these skills when creating games websites associated with anime.

Costume Maker/Makeup Artist

Costumes and designs are a huge part of anime. As such, those who wish to invest in the costume of their favorite character might need the assistance of a costume maker to help design and tailor the clothing, so it not only accurately represents the character but also fits the wearer. Think cosplay, dress-up, merchandise, TV costumes, and more.

You can even niche down this more to provide specific items such as accessories only, clothing, shoes, or wigs.

Being able to help people to transform into their favorite anime personalities is a tremendous skill and artwork in its form. Many people see the value in paying for this type of makeup both for cosplay events, TV shows, movies, video games, and more.


People used to dress up as anime characters for fun. However, as social media and vlogging have grown in popularity, cosplayers can earn substantial money through streaming ads, commissions, and sponsorship.

Aside from being hired by a brand for regular promotion, a professional cosplayer may engage in various side businesses such as hosting, selling prints, Google AdSense, and Facebook gaming for those who cosplay and play games concurrently.

Content Creator

There are many geek content creators and anime fans that are making successful careers out of their passion. Being able to create, curate, and share engaging content that others can relate to across various channels can help them attract companies and associated industries and create an income stream this way. Sponsors, ads on video content, fan contributions are all ways content creators earn money. At the same time, some get paid to attend events in cosplay or give their opinions on different aspects of anime with different celebrities and companies.

There is enormous value in being passionate about what you do for all giving. Putting your passion for anime into creating the best career for you will help you indulge your hobby and make a viable and worthwhile career.

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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