Mandatory Fun Time Ep 2. Ft. Cheshsmiles, Chocozumo, and A Thief Named Alexia

Hey friends, Darth Mexican here!
Mandatory Fun Time is an hour and a half streamed variety show where we bring together The Geek Lyfe staff along with guests and have fun! This project is the brain child of Saint who will be holding the reins with the staff offering their support!
Our guests for this episode are Cheshsmiles, Chocozumo, and A Thief Named Alexia!
Cheshsmiles is an incredible cosplayer and Convention Agent for The Geek Lyfe. When she isn’t creating fantastic costumes to debut at the next convention, she can be found on Overwatch sniping enemies left and right as Widowmaker. Chocozumo is an accomplished photographer who travels from convention to convention with his equipment to use on various cosplayers and create photos that are sheer works of art! A Thief Named Alexia is a writer, assistant, and co-host of Dungeons and Date Nights, on top of everything she goes to school, works a full time job, and is even a mother! Needless to say, these three are wonderful in every single way.
The game of the month was Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at MT. Skullzfyre!
Did you know that magical wizards are battling to the death … and beyond … right now!? “Why battle?” you might ask. “What have I got to prove, magic man?” Only who’s the most awesomely powerful battle wizard in the entire realm, that’s what! As a Battle Wizard, you’ll put together up to three spell components to craft millions* of spell combos. Your spells might kick ass, or they could totally blow — it’s up to you to master the magic. You will unleash massive damage on the faces of your wizard rivals in a no-holds-barred, all-out burn-down to be the last Battle Wizard standing. And it doesn’t stop there! Powerful magic items bring on a whole new level of bloody carnage as you and your mighty wizard opponents tear each other limb from limb in an orgy of killing! Do you have what it takes to use epic spells in a war at Mt. Skullzfyre? Will YOU be the Ultimate Battle Wizard!?!
The plan for every monthly episode is to introduce the guests and staff member to the viewers, play a game with everyone, and then discuss a number of topics in order to better know the guests and staff.
Every episode of Mandatory Fun Time, we’ll be encouraging viewers to follow our guests and support The Geek Lyfe if they don’t already do so! We have a number of fantastic content creators lined up for the first season of Mandatory Fun Time!
Check out our second episode with Cheshsmiles, Chocozumo, and A Thief Named Alexia!
Also check out our post game interview with them!
Watch Interview: Mandatory Fun Time Ft. A Thief Named Alexia, Chocozumo, and Cheshsmiles! from The_Geek_Lyfe on
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |