New Geek Lyfe T Shirt: Something Wicked

New Geek Lyfe T Shirt: Something Wicked
Hey friends! I hope you are all doing wonderful. This is Darth Mexican and I wanted to take a moment to tell you about our new T shirt campaign we are doing on! We had the unique opportunity to partner with a fantastic artist by the name of Sarah Gaudette from . Together we decided to dive off the deep end with our t shirts and explore the realm of bad ass art!
The theme of this shirt is the duality of a person. On the left side you can see the woman in the woods look pleasant, inviting, and all around welcoming while the right is quite sinister. Whether or not her true form is the left or the right is up to the viewer! Personally, I’d like to think both of those sides reside in every one of us, we just tend to reflect the side we give into more but are capable of both.
We’re also capable of black magic! 😉
I highly HIGHLY recommend you check out the shirt in both White and Black!


I absolutely love the art Sarah did and I highly encourage you to check out her page and give her love! As for the shirt, proceeds go to supporting us, Sarah, and then 10% of each order goes straight to Wounded Warriors. If you are not familiar with Wounded Warriors: “Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) serves veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound, co-incident to their military service on or after September 11, 2001 and their families. On that date, America watched in horror as approximately 3,000 people died including hundreds of firefighters and rescue workers. Many warriors note a sense of duty to volunteer for the military following these tragic events.
Sept. 11 also served as a stimulus for Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and New Dawn. Operation Iraqi Freedom refers to military operations in Iraq that began March 19, 2003 and officially ended August 31, 2010. Operation Enduring Freedom refers to combat operations in Afghanistan and other regions in support of the Global War on Terror. Operation New Dawn refers to the conclusion of operations in Iraq beginning September 1, 2010 and ending December 15, 2011.
For WWP, there is a distinct difference between members and alumni; the term alumni indicates a mutual shared experience and denotes your place in an organization was earned. There are no dues here – those were paid by wearing the uniform and on the battlefield.”-via
If you’d like to check out the shirts in all of their designs and colors check them out here:Â
We seriously appreciate you taking the time to check out our new shirts and hope you all have a wonderful day!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
Very nice article really informative excellent post always a pleasure reading new upcoming articles