New Series: Mandatory Fun Time


New Series: Mandatory Fun Time

As some of you know or may not know The Geek Lyfe has it’s very own YouTube page where we post our Unboxing, Let’s Plays, Reviews, and the duo group, Brostalgia! While these are all fun and awesome in their own right, we are introducing a new series by the name of Mandatory Fun Time!

Mandatory Fun Time is a series hosted by me, Darth Mexican! I invite some cherished friends over to the Geek Lyfe
office(My room!) and have them play a game. Sounds like a typical Let’s Play, right? Well, the catch is they have no idea what the game will be and they forced to either play it or be there with me as I play it. Anything from Horror to Simulators or Triple A to Indie, there is almost no game we won’t play.

The very first episode features Charlos the Good Looking, he isn’t a cosplayer or a staff member for Geek Lyfe, he does decent art in MS paint but mostly Charlos is just a super good looking guy who drives a Subaru and is amazing at Heroes of the Storm.

We play Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs! If you don’t know the horrors of the first Amnesia, just take our word for it that it is terrifying. A Machine For Pigs is about a man who wakes up in a manor which is attached to a factory, unable to recall how he got to this place. He knows his children are missing and that there is a deep and dark mystery surrounding the inescapable factory. Charlos and I are still playing the game but have played quite a few hours of it and can confirm shit
gets crazy fast.


We hope you enjoy the series! We had a ton of fun and will be releasing videos every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday! Comment below if there are any games you’d like to see played on Mandatory Fun Time! A huge thank you to Charlos for being apart of the first series!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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