News: Cyndago Disbanded Due To Suicide

News: Cyndago Disbanded Due To Suicide
Unfortunately tonight I am the bearer of terrible news. The famous Youtube content creators named Cyndago has announced that they are disbanding. While this is sad to hear, the true tragedy is that one of Cyndago’s members, Daniel Kyre, has passed away September 18th, 2015 due to being taken off life support after suffering brain damage from an attempted suicide on the 16th of September. Friends and family of Daniel posted their grief on Twitter the day they found out and kept the news hidden out of respect until tonight.
Something very serious has happened. I won’t be able to make videos for quite a while.
— Markiplier (@markiplier) September 17, 2015
Something very terrible happened today and I don’t know what to do. I’m broken inside. — Matt Watson (@kidswproblems) September 17, 2015
Laying awake, wishing this was a bad dream.
— Matt Watson (@kidswproblems) September 17, 2015
The full story was posted on their Facebook page:
Hello everyone. We have some very important and tragic news regarding Cyndago and our future.
It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that Daniel was found in his room on the afternoon of September 16th in critical condition after an apparent suicide attempt. He was rushed to the emergency room and transferred to the intensive care unit. Family was notified and flew to Los Angeles to be by his side. Doctors confirmed that he had suffered irreversible brain damage and would not survive.
He was taken off of life support on Friday, September 18th, 2015.
Surrounded by his family, Daniel passed away in peace.We would like to announce that Cyndago will no longer carry forward. We have no plans to release any further videos, podcasts, or songs. We will release one final vlog addressing the current situation.
If anyone out there experiences suicidal thoughts or is battling anxiety/depression, we urge you, please seek help. You are worth more than you think, and suicide reaps massive effects upon everyone around you – your friends, your family, and everyone’s life who you touched. There is always hope. There is always tomorrow.
We would like to thank everyone who stood with us throughout the years. When Cyndago was started in 2012, we never expected to come this far. It’s been nothing short of an amazing journey and all of you are loved. You have all changed our lives and we hope that we could make each one of you smile. We’re truly sorry that a story that brought so many people happiness had to have such a sad ending. Daniel will live on in our hearts and in the memories of the thousands of people he brought joy to everyday through YouTube. We thank you all. Goodbye.
– Ryan & Matt
A message from Daniel’s father:
My wife’s, his 18 year old sister’s and my heart will never mend. We’ll never know why this happened. Things were really starting to gel after the short seven months Daniel moved from our home in South Carolina to LA to pursue his dreams thanks to you and the opportunity afforded by Mark Fischbach.
On Wednesday September 16th I sent Daniel a text telling him how excited I was for him that things are really looking good with the Markiplier / Cyndago collaboration, the other Cyndago activities and the music he was writing with his guitar (Daniel was a great guitar player). I ended the text asking him “Are you happy?”. I never heard back. An hour later I received a call from an LA ambulance asking me if I am the father of Daniel Kyre.
We sincerely thank you and Mark for the support and opportunities you gave Daniel. Everyone that came in contact with him loved him and was awed with his multiple talents. Our lives will never be the same. The world will never be the same.
– David Kyre
As it reads, with the unfortunate loss of one of their core members, Cyndago has announced their retirement. Whether individual members will go their own path or stop altogether and focus on other endeavors is unknown. What is know is that Daniel was a fantastic person, contributed so much to videos to make them entertaining for others, and generally seemed like a badass. How a man who achieved so much in such a small amount of time would find himself in a position to decide suicide is appropriate is heartbreaking.
Our hearts go out to Daniel Kyre, his family, friends, and fans. You were taken far too young from us, but hoe with every fiber in our being that you have found peace in the great halls of Valhalla with Leonard Nimoy and Christopher Lee and other greats.
Bonus: Dedicated to Daniel Kyre
Real talk: If you ever feel the need to take such drastic steps, please, reach out for family and friends. This life has so much to offer, so many wonderful places and people, don’t ever give temporary problems a permanent solution no matter how much you may be hurting. I know it’s hard, I know it sucks, but the world needs you, even if you don’t believe in it yourself.
Have a goodnight everyone. Love your family and friends while they are still with us.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |