Nintendo’s new game console has a smart way to save games

Nintendo’s new game console has a smart way to save games
Whether you love or hate Nintendo, we all have to agree that they are a titan in their industry for making games that impacted our childhood in major ways. I have fond memories of sitting in front of a TV screen for hours using every fiber in my being to beat whatever stage Mario threw at me.
As time went on, so did the industry of gaming until it transitioned from sitting in front of a TV screen to actually moving your body in order to play the games. Heck, nowadays you can even play online games such as online slots from your mobile device! Don’t even get me started on the advancements to VR tech as well. While the many advancements in technology are incredible, many fans of gaming long for the unforgiving games of our youth. Thankfully, Nintendo is a kind and merciful god by releasing their NES Classic Edition!
The NES Classic Edition is a $60 mini console that comes with a retro controller and has 30 classic titles built into it. Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Ninja Gaiden, Double Dragon, and so many more are available to gamers who purchase the system. Not a bad deal for 30 works of art!
While the outer appearance of the device is chalk full of nostalgia, the inside has some updated technology that actually surprised me when I found out. The main draw for me was their new saving method. Back in the day gamers who had to leave their console for a while often turned off their TV while keeping their console on. It was a small price to pay to not have to redo the entire level if you didn’t know where the next checkpoint was.
In the NES Classic Edition, players have the option to save their exact position in a game so that they can turn it off completely and not have to worry. The game allows for four slots so that if multiple gamers are playing, they can save their progress without overwriting each other’s data. This would have saved siblings from a lot of fights due to careless or intentional actions!
To save your progress, you have to manually hold down the ‘Reset’ button on the front of the console and it will lock into a save point. The second method is to simply pull up the start menu and save from there. Due to the console’s size, the cord for the gamepad is only three feet, so players will be able to reach over and hit that button if need be!
Of course, Nintendo has already brought in the option for a wireless controller to make the lives of gamers that much easier. Personally I love this idea and hope that Nintendo continues to pump out games from our childhood in easy and convenient platforms! What did you think of the new NES Classic Edition? A solid investment or do you wish that Nintendo focused more on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know in the comments below!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |