(NSFW)VR Cosplay Porn Is a Thing That Exists on the Internet!

Someone has taken the art of cosplay, where folks pour their hard work and effort into bringing to life their favorite fictional character and combined it with porn. To go a step further, they made it into Virtual Reality porn where users who have access to a VR headset can actually move their head and see more of the scene than normal.
The videos range from anime series like Darling in the Franxx to video games such as Metal Gear Solid. There is no end to just how many franchises they turned into porn for the enjoyment of nerds with, err, particular urges.
The website VR Porn Hat has a huge list of videos available for viewing and service plans for those looking to get the full VR experience. Just be aware that it is extremely NSFW so definitely don’t check this out at work! A lot of things run through my mind when I see this content to be honest. For one, how long do these videos stay up when they clearly use the franchise’s actual name instead of using a parody of it? Also, it is interesting that they chose to film these in VR because you’d think it would be easier to simply make them into normal videos and then only do some as VR.
From the looks of the views, there is a legitimate community of geeky fans checking out this content to satisfy whatever craving they are having for their favorite fictional character!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
Love cosplay so im certainly interested in this! I’d say it most likely has a decent fanbase besides just myself.