For all those that religiously play Overwatch, it will certainly be a nice exclusive to see players celebrate the Year of the Tiger and all the new cosmetics that come with the exclusive event. The Lunar New Year provides more game modes and arcade selections for players of the Overwatch community, in addition to a Capture the Flag Blitz, which is a smaller edition to the game mode.
For players that are less inclined to look towards playing within the exclusive event, there are still opportunities to gamble and achieve satisfaction from the other opportunities that surround eSports. By checking out Esports-betting.com, it’s a trusted site for esports betting that caters to all exclusive events just like Overwatch’s. Many gambling companies are moving forward with the drive and demand that has risen within the past two years for eSports, and with popular games like Overwatch, it’s becoming far more common and accessible!
Gaming Arcade Features
Other arcade features that are available to the Overwatch community include the Bounty Hunter feature, which allows gamers to explore the rotation of all exclusive battle modes available for the Year of the Tiger. Players will need to hold their position and targets from the lobby, and once their target is eliminated, they will advance onto a new target entirely, with a higher stake available to win from the battle mode.
While all gamers enjoy the different Overwatch modes, these new cosmetics will be rare finds and exclusive for the Lunar Event only. Within the event there will be three separate challenges that will occur, and the successors can walk away with the rare Overwatch item called an Epic Skin. This skin is not available as a standard purchasable in-game item over the usual marketplace trades and purchases, meaning that it will be pretty hard for any player to have access to it once the challenges cease to commence. The exclusive Epic skin is only available to two lucky players within the event, however there are other exclusive and less rare legendary skins for the Lunar New Year, called the Fiery Nezha Tracer and the Soelbim Mercy. Players will have a better chance to grab this skin, being that there are no limits to the numbers available-just the persistence to nab it within the small-time frame.
The Overwatch spokesperson for the event, mentioned over press release, that this event may leave many disappointed for the lack of exclusive skins in various forms. While many fans within the Overwatch community are looking forward to tackling the new event regardless, it will be quite a flat experience for committed community members that use other events and past experiences as a comparison. The Skins team for Overwatch, however, are hard at work and will provide further and more frequent skins opportunities via events to come within 2022, so players should just sit tight and wait for any further announcements.
If any players wish to fork out for the rare skins from this event, it is also possible, however, it will require a total of 3000 gold coins that need to be put into the hero gallery before the expiry date of this event on February 15.
While there is still no clear and apparent confirmation for the gaming community on what to expect for events moving forward, in addition to skins opportunities, gamers will undoubtedly still enjoy and make the best of the latest exclusive event. The Lunar event still promises great battle modes and opportunities to face opponents one-on-one, for three weeks in total. With the weekly three separate challenges, it’s definitely still worth participating in and starting 2022 gaming with a bang.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo