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Hey everyone, Cobalt Cosplay here and I got to attend two of three days (Saturday and Sunday) of Hyper Japan Summer Market 2017. It started off with a very quick…

Q&A: Justin Carter and Negative_Space Demo   Phoenix Comicon isn’t just a hub for cosplayers and geeky brand lovers; it also features the Southwest Video Game Showcase, a place where…

Cosplayer of the Week: Lunar Lyn Lunar Lyn is a cosplayer that I have admired for such a long time. I remember seeing her run around in various cosplays on…

FreeplayFrenchie Reviews EGX Rezzed 2017 For those of you living across the pond in the beautiful British Isles you may have heard of EGX before, a big and very popular…

Cosplayer Of the Week: Ninjah Kitty  As our Geek Lyfe family continues to grow it’s always great fun to uncover more talented UK cosplayers to introduce to our community. It…

Morning, folks! Normally when I do Cosplayer of the Week, I hunt for cosplayers I find interesting and beg them for interviews. Imagine my surprise when a cosplayer actually came…