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Ring Light: Anime Expo Anime Expo 2016 was a ton of fun! There were a lot of wonderful cosplayers out and about in their costumes, sporting various fandoms. While we…

Review: Anime Expo 2016 For so long I looked on with with envy as friends flocked every summer to the exotic and foreign lands of California for Anime Expo, the…

Cosplay, short for ‘costume play’ is something that a lot of people love to indulge in. It involves dressing up as their favourite character from movies, TV, books, theatre shows,…

Anime has become an increasingly popular form of entertainment, with more and more people watching it daily. Brands are taking notice and are now using anime advertising to reach the…

Nearly 17 million votes were cast this year from fans in the U.S. to Saint Helena island celebrating the best and brightest in Japanese animation and voice acting. Votes came…