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Review: Daredevil Season 2 Daredevil aka Matt Murdock defends the innocent in a court of law by day and fights crime at night. He is a street hero, meaning he…

Cinester’s Top 10 Films of 2015 Cinester here, with my picks for the Top Ten Films of 2015! I wanted to do something new for the new year, so I…

I have a huge love for every aspect of cosplay from the concept stage to the final convention day when they get to show off their fresh costumes to the…

First Impressions: Jessica Jones After the incredible success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the wildly successful Netflix Original Daredevil, Jessica Jones was announced shortly after. Being a much bigger…

Missy Suicide And The SuicideGirls Gather around ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for an anecdote! I had heard of SuicideGirls because a friend of mine was accepted into their ranks…

  Interview: Vine – Mackenzie BecketĀ  I’ll fully admit that I am actually very new to the more recent social media outlets like Periscope, Vine, and others. I suppose it’s…

Interview: AC Stuart/Noob The Loser Tumblr can but a frightening yet magical place filled of artists, writers, indie videos, and every possible fan fic your mind could conjure up. I…