Phenomenal Photography and Fantastic Film making: An Interview with Bros N Cons

We are always on the hunt to interview awesome content creators who are working hard on their passion projects. Bros N Cons fits that description exactly and I have been a fan of their work for some time! I was excited to get to interview them on them and their film making!

Keep in mind that they will be at Phoenix Fan Fusion this year selling photo sessions so be sure to contact them if you need fantastic photography!

The Geek Lyfe: Who are you?

Bros N Cons: Bros N Cons is a media production company focused strictly on pop culture, with a focus on cosplay. We started by doing cosplay music videos, and have since expanded to doing photoshoots and a documentary web series (Cosplay vs the World) on cosplayers.

TGL: What is your origin story?

Bros N Cons: We (Vic and Katie) met back in film school in 2011. We realized we were both massive nerds and became best friends. Bros N Cons started in 2016 when we went to Phoenix Comic-Con to make a cosplay music video. At the time, we weren’t operating under the name Bros N Cons and were just doing it for fun. As the year progressed, we established ourselves under the Bros N Cons title– because we’re bros, and we go to cons!

TGL: What separates you from the rest?

Bros N Cons: A lot of people just do video or just do photo. We do both! We also really focus on getting as creative as we can and getting to know everyone we work with. We love being surrounded by the sheer creativity and passion that each cosplayer has.

TGL: Out of all the content you have created, which is your favorite?

Bros N Cons: That’s a really tough question. We really love creating our documentary series and learning all about the cosplayers we cover. But there’s been so many other content we’ve had fun doing–particularly our 2017 Phoenix Comic Con cosplay music video. And we’ve had so many great photoshoots the past year!

TGL: How can folks support you?

Bros N Cons: Just by talking with us! We love meeting new people. And of course, all of our social media pages.

TGL: Where can we find you online?

Bros N Cons: Our Instagram (@brosncons) and are the most active, but we have a as well where we post our cosplay doc and cosplay music video

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