Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest Review

Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest 2015
Every year geeks around the valley (and even further) look forward to the spectacular event of Phoenix Comicon. While a one year wait is no comparison to twelve years in Azkaban, it can sometimes feel like it. That’s where Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest comes in. Held in December, this convention gives nerds the appropriate fandom fix to get by until the summer event.
This convention is only in it’s second year but it ran smoother than the top of a Stormtrooper’s helmet. There was a noticeable change in organization from last year and it worked really well. The signing/photo-op area was rearranged and I believe there was a bit more room for vendors. While on the busiest day aisles would still get congested due to the occasional cosplay photos, you could still walk the exhibitor floor with ease. The endless rows of talented artists and creators provided quite the treat for the eyes while wallets everywhere wept. This was the perfect place to buy a unique geek holiday gift.
The cosplayers were out in abundance at this convention. Everything from anime to video games and comic books to character mashups were represented. A lot of attendees were kind when it came to snapping pictures of these wonderful costumes and would ask for pictures. Another fun addition to this convention was the outdoor Costume Stage. This provided a dedicated area for various groups of cosplayers to meet up, have fun and take pictures. Marvel, Star Wars and Anime/Manga were just a few of the groups with designated times to meet. This stage also showcased the Costume Contests over the course of the convention. The weather actually allowed this outdoor area to be really enjoyable. In addition to the Costume Stage, there were other activities outside. There was some intense Tea Dueling that Sir Patrick Stewart would have been on the edge of his seat for. However, my favorite had to be the BB-8 Obstacle Course. Attendees got to try their hand at piloting this little droid across a few different arrangements of carpet.

Photo from
The size of this convention was quite small compared the the grand event that is Phoenix Comicon. Yet, that isn’t exactly a bad thing. There were still spectacular guests in attendance such as Karen Gillan, Sean Maher, Kevin Sorbo, Don Bluth and more. Since this was a smaller scaled con, the panels felt more intimate. You didn’t feel like a tiny speck in the sea of countless geeks watching eagerly as the panelist answered everyone else’s questions. Instead, it felt like a casual chat that you got to sit in on and maybe ask a question. Another thing to note, even in the busiest panel that I attended (Karen Gillan) the staff continued to try their best to find seats for those who arrived late (or even right when the panel started). Kudos to the staff of this event for everything they did all weekend!
A lot of thought was put into this convention and it shows. Everything from programming, organization and even food options were well considered. Food trucks at conventions? As the ninth Doctor would say: Fantastic! Not to mention free parking is always nice. This was a fun event with a lot to offer and I’m sure next year will be even better.
Thank you so much to Photo Arcade Photography for these amazing pictures featured in our gallery.
Thank you to Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest for providing us with Media Badges so we were able to cover their awesome convention!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |