Tabletop RPG Lasers & Liches Kickstarter Cancelled Despite Incredible Support

It is always a sad sight to see creative projects fall under due to financing. Thankfully, Kickstarter is around to help indies get their dream realized and consumers get a first edition product with a chance for exclusive goodies. It is even more sad to watch a successful Kickstarter, both financially and within a community, come to a stop by the creator’s hands. Lasers and Liches is the topic of the day: it was essentially a re-skin of Dungeons and Dragon fifth edition. Instead of a fantasy realm, this world had a theme centered around 80’s synthwave and it looked rad as all hell.
As many Kickstarters do, they offered fans the option of contributing more in exchange for various exclusives. They were 75% funded within days of starting the page. All signs pointed to full funding by the deadline, so why in the world was it cancelled?
On April 18th, a post on Lasers & Liches was made that addressed the abrupt cancellation to the Kickstarter page:
Yes, we have closed down the Kickstarter for now. This was an exceedingly difficult decision, but Lluis and I feel like it was the right one. We understand that you’re likely confused, frustrated, and disappointed. Let me do my best to explain the situation. If I do not answer your questions here or you feel the need to express your frustration, please contact me directly through Twitter[@snickelsox].
Inexperience and miscalculations led me to believe we could do things we had no chance of doing. Our project is sound and would be delivered but the side stuff (dice, cassettes, etc.) would not be attainable because of how much we were trying to do at once. If we can not deliver everything that we promised and create a super cool project at the same time, then we need to go back to the Kickstarter drawing board and come up with a better plan. We are doing that.
They go into more detail about the reasoning behind their decision but the bottom line is that they felt that they would have not been able to deliver on their promise of bringing their very best to their fans. That concern was enough for them to bring everything to a halt, refund all the fans who backed them, and focus on perfecting their craft to re-release in the near future.
Honestly, making a decision like this is pretty honorable. We have seen many other projects receive full funding and then the creators never deliver on their promise, leaving fans with nothing for their contributions. The fact that they made this decision and then took the time to be upfront with fans only adds to their good nature. As if that wasn’t enough, they are also giving all backers the First Test Wave as a sign of their gratitude!
While we are sad to hear they stopped their funding, we know that these guys will no doubt redeem themselves with their next Kickstarter! For more information be sure to check them out!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |