Review: Game Grumps – Dog Island


Review: Game Grumps – Dog Island

This is our latest set of reviews where we take Game Grumps/Steam Train/Grumpcade episodes and review them to make it easier for fans of Game Grumps to know which ones are must watch(Dog Island) and which ones they can live without seeing(Hotline Miami). I hope you enjoy our reviews, we watch every single episode in the series before we write our thoughts and if possible, we’ll note which episodes were the most memorable. Enjoy!

If I am going to do a Game Grumps Review of their play through then I may as well cover my personal favorite series to date, The Dog Island which only lasted two episodes and remains unfinished. They start the game making fun of the obnoxious amounts of adorable content presented to them within the first few minutes of starting. The jokes spawn left and right, each one better than the last as they travel through town, completing quests for the townsfolk. To add to the good times, they name the main character after Dan’s own dog(With a twist of course).

It’s apparent that they intended for this to be a simple one shot and assumed the game was terrible. Little did they know the game had a full blown story line that was oddly unique and covered some serious topics in a game intended for children. The shock value alone from Danny and Arin are worth watching this series alone. To further prove that they did not intend to play this game for a long period of time is that they allowed their two episodes for Dog Island to go far longer than their normal ten minute episodes.

Among my friends I am a huge pusher for Game Grumps, in order to get them hooked I always introduce them to Dog Island, it works every single time. The second episode is even better than the first episode as the game gets so much more weird. You will be laughing so hard from these two episodes and then, just as Firefly, will be heartbroken to find out that there is no more content afterwards. We all beg for them to continue the game but so far the grumps are silent about it. ;_;

If this is the first time you’ve ever heard of Game Grumps, check out all their stuff and become a fan! They are a great group of guys who are far more entertaining than many big budget T.V. shows nowadays and they release three episodes every single day and have guests on their show as well. They work hard each and every day to provide entertaining content while still being humble and not jerks, they are worth subscribing to! 

Game Grumps - The Dog Island








Length Of Episodes





  • Long Episodes
  • They Freak Out
  • Story Is Unique
  • Jokes Are On Point


  • Did Not Finish
  • There Will Never Be A Better Series
  • No Wolfjob
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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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