Review: Guild Grumps


Review: Guild Grumps

Earlier this year Game Grumps, a titan in the YouTube ‘Let’s Play’ community, announced Guild Grumps was coming to their channel sometime during the summer and sure enough this was the week all five episodes aired. It is no secret that most of the Game Grumps loathe MMOs. Ross has been leading the Game Grumps guild on Ursin Horde side for sometime now, allowing any and all fans to join in on the fun. I’ve personally joined the guild and have had nothing but great experiences.

Guild Grumps features Arin(Egoraptor), Barry(Razzadoop), Suzy(Mortemer), and Danny(Danny Sex Bang) as they are guided by their frenemy Rosstumblr_inline_ne6li2yH2l1sdnf7i into all the misadventures World of Warcraft has to offer. This was the channel’s first attempt at a reality YouTube show and I have to say that I am impressed. I’m not sure how much research the crew had to do in order to capture the reality show feeling, both Arin and Ross have been on reality shows briefly(Tester season 3 and Heroes of Cosplay) but to be honest, the show was great in terms of video, audio, and pacing.

I’ll do my best to keep this spoiler free since the show was incredible and the few twists and turns added to that enjoyment. In the first few episodes we see the tension between Ross and the others, a mix of wanting them to take the game seriously and their desire to simply have fun. Although many of the jokes were hilarious and the atmosphere felt very real as opposed to the typical staged emotions of other reality shows I will admit to being stressed out for a while. Thankfully this is alleviated with a few guest appearances that made the show perfect in my opinion.

Although I love Danny and Suzy, I felt a bit cheated by their performances during the show. This could be due to the ‘reality’ of the show and they legitimately could not perform better, however I felt Game Grumps promised their full cast and then back tracked despite the show being done for charity/the amusement of their fans. If they continue on down the line and produce more shows they should try to keep things consistent or at least mention in the trailer that nothing is off limits. I will mention that over $5000 was donated to charity for the event and in the end that is the most important aspect of this show.

We got to see friends of the grumps make appearances and they were well received. One of the two guests completely revitalized the show and I’d love to see her on more content. Kudos to Arin and Barry for sticking with it! You could tell that they did not want to be there but they stuck through everything like champs and praise to Ross for charging ahead each day despite failing left and right he still kept his optimism and his love for the game was crystal clear.


All in all these five episodes were both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because each episode was better than the last and I love the Grumps so much more because of this series. A curse because it was only five episodes long and I crave so much more. They did plug their Guild Grumps T shirts and mentioned that if we, the fans, wanted to see more content like this then we can support them by buying T Shirts they came out with. The shirt consists of the Grumps crew and their characters. Needless to say, I am going to purchase one to show my support but I would prefer if Commander Holly was featured on a shirt since she was the Beyonce of the show in my humble opinion(Ross is a lucky man).

If you’d like to watch Guild Grumps, here is their first episode! Enjoy! 😀

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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