Review: Sublevel Zero Redux
Hey friends! I got the chance to play Sublevel Zero Redux recently and I could not believe how much fun it is! If you are not familiar with the game, it is a first person shooter that has you take command of a ship and fight to survive against other ships that are AI controlled. Initially, I didn’t think I would enjoy Sublevel Zero Redux because it looked a bit simple, I have always been a fan of complex games, story lines, and so much more. Yet when I loaded up the game and began the tutorial I appreciated just how fast it threw me into the action. Before I realized it, I was fighting for my life against more and more enemies.
Many modern games tend to ease you into the world with obnoxious amounts of dialogue, cut scenes, or lore but being presented with the option of “Here is how to dodge, here is how to shoot, and here is how to equip different items. Go.” was a great change of pace. I had the misconception that the in game crafting was going to force me to learn various algorithms in order to even come close to building decent items but instead I found it to be user friendly as they present you with all the possible combination of items you can craft, before I knew it I was making items left and right! I also enjoy the aspect of being able to customize your ship to your play style. I, personally, am terrible at dodging see making my ship able to self heal was a tremendous help. They have so many other options for how to build your ship that players will have a blast finding a customization that suits them.
The levels themselves are a healthy length by not making them too long while still not being too short as well. You’ll find enemies around various corners and as a reward for exploring you’ll come across chests filled of loot that will help you face the final boss. I’ll fully admit that I thought I was going to burn through this game no problem until I fought the second boss and realized that they can and will fight back. Not to mention they are surrounded by enemies that gang up on you fast with unique abilities. This forces you to try your best to dodge, which I am am garbage at, but it helps that this game allow you to move in 6 different directions so you have quite a few choices on how you want to attempt to get out of the way of the giant death beam.
I also want to mention the soundtrack! I absolutely love the music in Sublevel Zero Redux. I’m not sure what it is but the music adds so much atmosphere and makes for an even better experience while I am spending time trading shots back and forth before racing to the beginning of the level to heal.
Overall I really enjoyed playing Sublevel Zero Redux and can not believe I did not know about it sooner! I highly recommend it to folks who want a great gaming experience the moment the jump into a game. At the price of $15 and since it is available on a majority of platforms we all have no excuse but to buy and play the crap out of this game!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo