Saboten Con 2018: Anime, Cosplay, and More!

Saboten 2018

One of our favorite conventions in Arizona is none other than Saboten Con! We look forward to labor day weekends because it means eating, drinking, spending too much money on anime swag, and rubbing elbows with awesome guests! This year was no different save the exception that it was even better than last year!

This year we had Tony, Saint, Chocozumo, and Darth Mexican represent green and black!


We saw a lot of our homies all weekend long from AmberSkies Cosplay, Lunar Lyn, Khainsaw, Cynorme, Horsemen Of, Sara Moni, Mucho Muncho, and so many more! As far as featured cosplayers go Saboten Con featured Leon Chiro, Corgi Cosplay, Amberskies Cosplay, Ivy Doomkitty, and more! Every single cosplayer looked fantastic all weekend long as they debuted their latest costumes!

Shout out to Chocozumo for not only helping us out with photos but also joining The Geek Lyfe officially!


As we mentioned before, there were many cosplay guests, but let’s talk about the others as well! There were plenty of voice actors from Brina Palencia, J. Michael Tatum, Josh Petersdorf, Amanda Winn Lee, Feodor Chin, and more! There were also bands like Akira, Senanan, Candye Syrup, and Kazha. Other guests included Blue Crown Comic, Those Gundam Guys, and Kayla Ballesteros.

Saboten Con always brings such fantastic talent to their convention every single year. What I appreciate most is their effort in shaking up the guest line up so that attendees never know what to expect!


There were so many talented artists, merchants, and more this year. My all time favorite is always Anime Trash Swag who was there in full force selling their latest goodies for fans. Of course, we paid a visit to AZ locals Gruff n Geek, ScarfCurve, and more! You’ll always find great items to spend your money on. Whether you are interested in body pillows, Gundam kits, anime, manga, fan art, or incredible clothing, Saboten Con vendors never fail to impress!


Since I can recall, Saboten Con has been at the Sheraton Hotel, and for good reason! The location offers multiple rooms to hold their vendor hall, panels, gaming area, and more! The staff of the Sheraton are always a delight and the facility is well maintained. An aspect I always enjoy is The District which is the bar area attached to the hotel. They have a great selection of food and drinks that go on sale during their happy hour times!

In addition to their bar area, there is also fine dining as well as various food stands that offer a range of food choices and prices. That variety helps provide the fuel con goers need in order to make it through the day!

The vendor area was laid out in a way that made it comfortable enough to travel down the aisle with no issue while also giving space to view all of the wares everyone had to offer. I would say that as Saboten Con grows, there will be a point where the convention will have to decide to jump to a bigger venue or remain and cap badge sales. At this current moment, it is enough for the event and I enjoy Saboten Con partially because it is hosted at a venue that is not the typical Phoenix Convention Center or Mesa Convention Center.

Battle of the Ubs!

This year we hosted a panel at Saboten Con that caused our homies to gather together and discuss one of our favorite fandoms: Anime! We debated for an hour on the topic of which was better between subbed and dubbed! On the side of Subs were AmberSkies Cosplay, Mucho Muncho, and myself, Darth Mexican. On the side of Dubs were Sara Moni, Lunar Lyn, and surprise guest Scott! The room was filled with passionate anime lovers who got to ask questions and received prizes!

In the end we agreed to disagree and took a selfie giving out all the heart fingers!


Saboten Con was a great event as always and remains one of our favorite. We highly recommend Arizona convention goers attend if they have a passion for the anime fandom, or even cosplay! There is a lot to enjoy during the Labor Day weekend that’ll no doubt lead to fond memories!

Stay tuned for our Saboten Con video and interview with le_petit_fromage coming soon!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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