Saboten 2019 Photo Gallery!

Hello friends!
We hope you are all doing well and are ready for some fantastic photos! We unfortunately could only afford to send one staff member to Saboten this year due to financial reasons. Of course we chose our homie, Chocozumo, to capture the best aspects of one of Arizona’s largest Anime conventions!
In general smooth. Security was thorough, no construction across the street so plenty of food options around, and getting around the con was pretty easy. Additional “Sabo to Go” food cafe on the second floor that offered in-hotel food that made it convenient to grab a bite. The masquerade was a jolly good time and @HOME CAFE WAS THE BEST THING EVER!
Chocozumo is a veteran of photography, specializing in cosplay photography. He is available for photo shoots at most conventions he attends and has sweet dance moves, specifically when dual wielding light sticks.
Be sure to check out more of Saboten and Chocozumo at their respective social media!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |