Sincerely Sam’s New Kickstarter for Pin-teresting Creatures

Sam Sawyer, aka Sincerely Sam, is a digital artist focused on a unique fantasy style unmatched by anyone. She’s been selling her art and tarot cards on Etsy and at conventions for years. Now there is a new product she wants to give her fans: enamel pins!
Her Kickstarter for the project will go live this Thursday, October 18th. She will begin with four choices of pins–lilac octopus, belladonna snake, autumn raven, and fancy fox.
For one pin, the pledge is $16, but there is the option for two if you pledge $30. The more that is pledged the more you will receive, with $55 unlocking all four and mini prints. Her stretch goals include adding more pins, stickers, buttons, and possibly some patches.
All the funds help Sincerely Sam in production costs, shipping, packaging, and her Kickstarter fees. As the Kickstarter continues, she will update everyone who has helped her and no one will be charged if the goal isn’t reached.
You can find her Kickstarter here. She also has an Esty page and a personal website.