STAFF UPDATE: All Hail Vice Presidente Deegan Marie

STAFF UPDATE: All Hail Vice Presidente Deegan Marie
Hey friends! This is Darth Mexican aka DeAngelo and I am the El Presidente of The Geek Lyfe. Over the years I have been able to steer our humble ship through various events, articles, and interviews but as of last year we reached an astounding 130k views on our website. With this immense increase in traffic comes opportunities that are absolutely wonderful but I am afraid it has become too much to write, take photos, edit, manage the team, respond to emails, manage social media accounts and so much more. My team works hard to produce awesome articles but I needed help commanding the team and could think of no better person to have by my side than Deegan Marie of Deegan Marie Photography.
Deegan has been our Chief Photographer since February of 2016 and has helped tremendously with a number of projects since then and has represented Geek Lyfe both domestically and internationally. She has been a fantastic ally and we are so proud to be able to work with her. When I approached her about how she felt about the team she admitted that she loved it and couldn’t wait for the next project and when I then followed up with asking if she would want the position of being second in command she accepted wholeheartedly.
Beyond her many accomplishments and efforts, I chose Deegan because her personality compliments my own. While I am a optimist and infamous for giving others miles while only receiving inches, she knows when to stand up and fight for what is fair. While I always coat every word in sugar so I never offend those I speak with, she has no problem voicing her opinions, even when her thoughts are far from complimentary. It helps keep me grounded so that when the whirlwind of events smothers me, I have a strong voice to keep me on the right path whether I want to or not! She has been nothing but a blessing and I am proud to call her my friend and colleague.
If you are not familiar with Deegan Marie Photography she is a photographer located in Phoenix, Arizona. Although she is incredible at cosplay photography, she excels in band photography, still life, and products. When her shutter isn’t firing off at the speed of light she can be found drowning herself in anime, working on her art, or singing her heart out to her favorite music. Be sure to check out more of her photography and cosplay here.
We have a ton of fantastic content coming down the line and with Deegan having a hand in them, we know it’ll be something you’ll enjoy! May her reign be eternal, her will be iron, and her command never be questioned! Just kidding, she is a sweet heart and if you have never had the chance to talk with her, I highly recommend doing so next time you see her hustling at a convention!
P.S. If I am assassinated in the near future, she totally did it.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |