We Frickin Need Loot Anime’s Josuke Figure
In the anime community there is one series that is colorful, action packed, original, and down right bizarre. That anime is, you guessed it, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a group of powerful and typically good looking people
Saboten Con Continues to Be Fantastic!
Saboten Con Continues to Be Fantastic! I have attended Saboten Con for four years now and it continues to be such a fantastic event. This year was no different as they made some changes that helped and allowed certain rules to
Crunchyroll Expo is Right Around The Corner!
Crunchyroll Expo is Right Around The Corner! Are you free in two weeks and need a dope convention to attend? Look no further than Crunchyroll Expo that takes place in a couple weeks. If you are not familiar with Crunchyroll, they
The Good, The Bad, and the Waifus: Anime Expo 2017 Review
 The Good, The Bad, and the Waifus: Anime Expo 2017 Review Last year was my first year attending Anime Expo and it was such a great experience that I could not wait for 2017's event. If you are unfamiliar with Unfortunately,
Tidesiren Tackles A-Kon 2017
Tidesiren Tackles A-Kon 2017 Geek Lyfe homie, Tidesiren did us a solid by covering A-Kon 2017 on our behalf! She traveled to the foreign land of Fort Worth, Texas where fans of anime gather to a fantastic event! They had voice
Cosplayer of the Week: Sukoshi Cosplay
Cosplayer of the week is Sukoshi Cosplay and she hails from California! :D She is a super dope cosplayer that loves anime and all things costuming! She has been to a number of conventions over the years and has brought
Cosplayer of the Week: Lunar Lyn
Cosplayer of the Week: Lunar Lyn Lunar Lyn is a cosplayer that I have admired for such a long time. I remember seeing her run around in various cosplays on the convention floor but never realized such amazing costumes came from