Interview: Creative Jon and Film Making
Ever wanted to be a film maker or have had an interest in how directors put music videos or short films together? Well we have great news for you! The Geek Lyfe recently got in touch with Jonathon Jones from and discussed his career as a film maker over lunch!
He is a great guy with tons of passion and talent who produces great videos from Music Videos to Short Films. He gives insight to what happens in both pre and post production as he shares his favorite moments and advice for any aspiring artists.
Interview: Sour Apple Gallery
One day while shopping, a store caught my eye with promises of geeky goodies. Upon entering I found myself surrounded with endless nerdy items. Imagine if The Little Mermaid collected Star Wars, superheroes and Doctor Who; you would have this shop. While browsing the goods numerous pieces of art caught my eye. Beloved characters painted onto comic panels that they are featured in? Fantastic! From Spock to Slimer, your geek interests are covered. As I inquired about the art, the very kind man behind the counter explained that he created the pieces. David Lizanetz is easily one of the most unique artists I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Unfortunately, he no longer operates from this shop. However, his art lives on and multiplies. With his one-of-a-kind art geared towards geeks, I jumped at the chance to interview him.
La Muerte (Book of Life) Face Paint by Spocktopus
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Art Gallery: Disney Characters dress up for Halloween
My personal favorite was Legend of Korra and Johnny Bravo. What'd you enjoy the most? Credit: Isaiah Stephens Art