Toy Story Four-getable
Toy Story 4 was a nostalgic epilogue that left audiences wanting more. Making a fourth addition to a solid trilogy is always a risky move, especially with a franchise as beloved as Toy Story. The general premise is that toys
Can You Ever Forgive Me: Melissa McCarthy and Richard Grant’s Masterpiece
Melissa McCarthy has already made a substantial name for herself in the comedy scene, but in Can You Ever Forgive Me? she lets the audience know her talent is vast and uninhibited. The movie, based on Lee Israel's memoir with the same
The Jungle Book Review
The Jungle Book “Forget about your worries and your strife” Movies have slowly become a family tradition for me: I have a lot of fond memories driving up to the local Harkins with my Mom and Brother and seeing more movies than
Movie Review: Gone Girl (Or why I now trust the Batfleck)
Alright guys… As you know I always strive to do 100% spoiler free reviews and Gone Girl will be no exception. As many of you know Gone Girl is the film adaption of Gillian Flynn’s 2012 novel of the same name. If you’ve read Gone Girl I know that while you wished for a film adaption you wondered at the same time “Well how on earth could they do it right?”. DAVID FINCHER THAT’S HOW. To me, David Fincher is the king of novel adaptions. He’s more than successfully adapted Fight Club (One of my favorite movies of all time), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Which I enjoyed more than the original surprisingly) and The Accidental Billionaires (The Social Network) into cinematic works of art. This year Fincher tackled what many thought to be the un-tacklable, Gone Girl.
So here is my summary of the movie:
Movie Review: The Boxtrolls
*Bran Stark as Eggs, the only child alive with enviable Stockholm Syndrome*
Hello everyone! This week’s review is Laika Studio’s stop motion animated feature The Boxtrolls. Stop motion animation is one of my absolute all-time favorite film mediums so I was super jazzed to see The Boxtrolls. Plus who doesn’t want to see a movie with Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) and Ben Kingsley as some of the amazing voice actors in the film?! Seriously, stay for the credits you’ll be amazed by how many times you say “OHHHHHH! That’s who that was.”Movie Review: Tusk (Or why you should never go full walrus)
Hey guys! It’s been a while since my last review, but don’t worry! I’ve picked quite the doozy of a film for this week’s review. This week is Tusk, the latest from Kevin Smith, the mind who brought you Clerks and Red State. Tusk is the perfect example of why the internet is awesome. Kevin Smith was inspired to create Tusk after reading a prank classified Ad on an English website. Here is the Ad that brought about the insanity that is Tusk:
Is a Dame to Kill For Worth Killing for?
It’s been 9 years since the first Sin City film came out and I have eagerly waited for the day when a sequel would be announced. When I first saw the trailer for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For I nearly fainted. All the black and white mystery, sex, and violence was back! I counted down the days this summer and even made up a quick Sin City style cosplay to see it in(seen below *Hey guys nice to meet you!*).