The Geek Lyfe Podcast Episode 2: Heroes of the Storm
The Geek Lyfe Podcast Episode 2: Heroes of the Storm This week Darth Mexican drags Madam Geek into this podcast to talk shop about MOBAs! More specifically Heroes of the Storm! Check out the opinion of someone who whores them self
Bro Night: Double Dragon Neon Review
Bro Night: Double Dragon Neon Review
Bro Nights have been a long standing tradition among friends. It's a night you look forward to all week, the night you get to just sit back and have fun. It's the bond between you and your bros that makes it so special, and Bro Nights only highlight and strengthen that bond. There are many games you can play during Bro Night, but there is one game that stands out: Double Dragon Neon.Doom & Gloom: A Darkest Dungeon Review
Doom & Gloom: A Darkest Dungeon Review
Have you ever thought: "Well jeez, Dark Souls is a lot of fun but I wish it could have a baby with XCOM and could have a wicked awesome art style." or even if you are just a plain ol masochist, Darkest Dungeon is the game for you! From Red Hook Studios comes a game that holds no punches in their dungeons, tips the scale against you from the start and some how you, as the player, can not get enough. Darkest Dungeon is a dungeon crawling RPG filled with various classes, abilities, equip-able items, and my personal favorite: A stress meter. Yes. You read that right, your party of adventures can and will go bat shit crazy down in the dungeons as they fight against everything unnatural, discover horrors untold and find themselves victim to various diseases and traps.Knighting Nostalgia: A Shovel Knight Review
Knighting Nostalgia: A Shovel Knight Review
Most games these days are all about state of the art graphics, modern music, and complex controls. The olden days of the classic game are slowly being overshadowed by games like Call of Duty and Skyrim, with their realistic gameplay and complicated abilities.
But yet, the retro, indie gaming world still has a place within our hearts. And even though many games are coming out that defy this retro world, some actually embrace it.
Enter, Shovel Knight.
Interview: Pro Fighting Gamers Muji and T-Dot
We've all played fighting games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat when we were younger, challenging or friends and family before trying out the moves in real life and inevitably hurting yourself. As time went on most of us changed games, devoting our time and energy to newer titles and genres. However there are some gamers whose passion for fighting games never died but instead consumed them and motivated them to become better, faster and stronger.
First Impressions: Heroes of the Storm(Closed Beta)
First Impressions: Heroes of the Storm(Closed Beta)
With Multiplayer Online Battle Arena or MOBA games like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Heroes of Newarth, Smite and so on filling the market and attracting gamers with their fast paced action, free to play system and challenging game play. Originally the MOBA begin with DOTA, which was a mod off of Warcraft 3 that grew in massive popularity over time. For any gamers out there who have never played a MOBA, it features ten players typically that are split into teams of five. Each hero has unique abilities, roles and various options to help increase certain stats in the battle. Riot Games later capitalized on the success of DOTA by releasing League of Legends in October 27 of 2009. Since it's launch the game has exploded with players. Every year the world tournaments grew in audience as well as stadium size. Many of their community came from World of Warcraft players discontent with the expansion at the time, Cataclysm. Finding forty minute matches, unique champions and the incredible range of item combinations refreshing from the huge time investment that WoW required from it's players. To this day it remains one of the most popular games to play and also watch on various streaming websites such as It was not long before Blizzard Entertainment entered the genre with a game of their own. This game is Heroes of the Storm.Woah: Theory behind Super Smash Lore
Woah: Theory behind Super Smash Lore The masterminds behind Game Theory come out with their interpretation of the Super Smash franchise. I don't want to spoil anything but I will say that they took me by surprise and I am completely convinced