Tell All Interview With Mortem3r AKA Suzy Berhow

Tell All Interview With Mortem3r AKA Suzy Berhow

As an indie blogger, it’s incredibly difficult to get a foot in the door when it comes to interviews. Most days I reach out to various cosplayers, game companies, Youtubers, etc. in hopes of being able to get their feedback on their current project and answer a few questions in the process. So it should be no surprise to anyone that I would reach out to incredibly talented and lovely Youtuber/Let’s Player Mortem3r aka Suzy Berhow. Mortem3r is a YouTuber famous for hosting Table Flip, various make up reviews/tutorials, participating in tags, and even having appearances on Steam Train. Imagine my surprise when I checked my inbox one normal afternoon to find a response! I nearly spat out my horchata all over my keyboard as I panicked about my apartment wondering whether or not this was a prank or if this was legitimate. After a quick cry in the shower I came to my senses and read her reply. She said that she’d love to answer a few questions and was humbled for the interview request. The fact that she has over 155k Subscribers and I average about 50 people viewing my article in a month should tell you that this was the equivalent of a golden goddess coming down from the heavens to speak with but the smallest of ants.

Without further ado here is my…

Tell All Interview With Mortem3r AKA Suzy Berhow

The Geek Lyfe: First off, I want to say thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today and that I am a huge fan. I never in a million years thought you would even respond, let alone accept the interview request! With everything you do, you seem so deep in work.

Mortem3r: Oh, no not at all! No matter what is going on with my work load or my life, I always make time to answer my fans. I really am so humbled that you are such a fan! I will admit that I did not have much time but I was able to look at your blog a bit and have to say that it’s pretty rad!

Haha, thank you! Okay, before I fan boy anymore and completely embarrass myself, let’s get to some of the questions. Let’s start with the origin story.  Who is Mortem3r and how did she come to be the awesome women she is today?

M: Oh gosh, my origin story. Well I did release a ‘Draw My Life’ video on my channel that explains a good portion of it! But to sum it up, I grew up in Florida, I am the youngest of three boys and one sister who is my twin, which I also have a video about. Growing up I fell in love with Anime and joined a club where I took up the persona Mortem3r which I stuck with ever since. Over the years I was pursued everything that I ever wanted to do such as art, modeling and even the Disney College program thinking that these avenues would be where I wanted to stay in life and I actually found out that, although these jobs were fun, it just was not for me. After years of dating, I finally pulled the trigger on moving to California with my now husband, Arin. We’ve fed off of each other’s creativity which led me to creating my animation channel, Meeperfish, Mortem3r, and even Kitty Kat Gaming! That was the short version, but it pretty much brings us to present day.

TGL: Yes! I’ve actually seen a few episodes of Kitty Kat gaming or KKG as you call it in your intro video. Could you explain that might more for those who may not be familiar with your work?

M: Of course! Meepfish is my animation channel where I post silly videos that I find entertaining and hope that others will as well. Mortem3r is more of unboxing videos, popular Youtube tags, fashion/make up tutorials, and pretty much anything that I want to do. Kitty Kat Gaming is my Let’s Play channel where my fans can join me in my misadventures in various games, watching me totally rock or do not too awesome but I try and make them fun and lighthearted while also giving exposure to games that some people may not be familiar with and bringing in friends to play with.

TGL: What has been your all time favorite moment while filming one of your videos?

M: Oh, hmm, this is actually a hard question. Filming my videos has been a lot of fun over the years but if I had to choose one, it would have to be the videos where my husband and I apply make up one another. I did not know how the videos were going to come out when I turned on the camera and knew that whatever it was, there were shenanigans to be had. We still look back and laugh at those videos to this day.

TGL: Least favorite?

M: You know, this may be a cop out to this question but I honestly believe that I actually do not have a least favorite moment. Oh. Wait. No, never mind. I would have to say the ‘Draw My Life’ video was my least favorite. It may look extremely easy to do but I had to draw and re-draw those scenes again and again. But I think the work was definitely worth it because it’s a great video, if I say so myself!

TGL: Alright I have got to ask, Hot Pepper Gaming. You appeared on an episode reviewing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and you held out like a champ while others buckled under the heat. How was that experience?

M:  Are you kidding me? That was hell! I have never in my life eaten anything even close to that pepper. Then having to talk about the game’s good points and bad was nearly impossible. I seriously thought I was going to die, okay not really, but still it was very rough.

TGL: Okay, this is the final question I have for you, you find yourself surrounded by a horde of fourth graders who are pissed at you and look hostile. How many of them do you think you could take on and what weapon do you use to defend yourself?

M: Good question! Alright, to start off I want to say that I love kids and am all for peace and love. But if they came at me and threw the first punch, I would fucking destroy them. I don’t even need a weapon, I would take one of them by their legs and beat his or her friends with their unconscious body before jumping in my car and zooming away before the cops come.

A huge thank you to Suzy AKA Mortem3r for being super awesome and kind and great and super rad and this was totally a fake interview. Happy April Fools! I wish I could interview with Mortem3r because I am a huge fanboy but oh wells! This is how I’d think it’d go if I was able to get an interview with her! Yay indie blogs! ;_;

Be sure to follow Mortem3rKitty Kat GamingMeeperfishTwitter ! 😀 Most photos are from her various social medias! (Suzy, if you read this know that you are rad and keep on being awesome!)

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  • Nikki_boagreis

    Thank’s for submitting this article always a pleasure reading new post

    February 15, 2023
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