The Different Kinds of Gaming That Can Enrich Your Life

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As hobbies go, gaming has to be one of the most versatile and varied ones going. There can be a bit of gatekeeping and odd attitudes surrounding gaming, but that’s a whole different subject. Instead, we’re going to break down the different types of gaming, not what constitutes a “gamer”.

You can play games in so many different ways, we’re probably not going to cover everyone here. But it can be good to explore the different avenues you can go down, as well as how you can best enjoy them and even improve yourself through them.

That’s right, gaming is by no means a waste of time or unproductive. As well as the rather obvious point of gaming, which is to relax and have some downtime, it can be a hobby that you can learn from and use to pick up skills. At least, if you want it to be. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with just having fun. 

So, let’s get into it.

Card Games

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We’re going to start with one of the most classic forms of gaming and, don’t worry, we’ll definitely get back to physical gaming. But card games are both incredibly simple and have the potential to create very complex, interesting games.

There are a lot of different types of card games, and they’re popular because they’re so accessible. All you actually need is a deck of cards. You can also play card games like spades online, which can be a good way to hone your skills or simply pass the time when you just want a quick, simple game.

Some card games are best played alone, while others require a group of people to play. If you want to master some group card games, you need to pick up some serious skills.

Let’s look at poker. Even if you’re not interested in gambling, there are plenty of good reasons to get into poker as a game. While the cards are part of it, the real game is the interaction between the players. Learning how to bluff, learning when to risk it all or play safe and, if you want to irritate whoever you’re playing with, you can even learn how to count cards.

Single-Player Video Games

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Let’s get into video games for a minute. 

There are two basic categories of video games, single-player and multiplayer games. The differences are quite self-explanatory, and some games straddle the line between these ways of playing, to varying degrees of success.

Some games are primarily multiplayer but have a single-player campaign that can range from a glorified tutorial to a decent game in its own right. Other games are obviously designed to be fantastic single-player games but have some degree of multiplayer functionality. Then there are the games that are either completely single-player or vice versa.

Single-player games are a fantastic way to relax and blow off some steam without getting potentially annoyed with other players. You can play action games, adventure games, RPGs, strategies, simulations, or whatever else you’re into, but the great thing about playing a single-player game is that it’s all about you. 

You play at your own pace, and you can hone whichever skills you want. The only pressure is the pressure you put on yourself.

The great thing about single-player games is that this doesn’t sacrifice the sense of achievement you get when you succeed. If you want a challenge, some games deliver that in earnest. The Souls games are infamous for their punishing difficulty, and that’s just one example.

Single-player games can also tell amazing stories. Video games are an art form, we’re hopefully well past the point where we’re debating that. Indie games and AAA games alike provide some fantastic examples of storytelling for single players to really get their teeth into.

Multiplayer Video Games

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As we’ve looked at, multiplayer video games don’t necessarily have to be different games than single-player games. Video games can share functionality. But it is a different way of playing.

You can break multiplayer games down into even more sections. Nowadays, the most common way to play multiplayer games is to play online. You can play with your friends in limited private servers, sometimes playing a relatively intimate two-player game, or playing with a larger group.

Or you can play with strangers. The extreme end of the scale would be massive multiplayer games, where you have a virtual playground with hundreds or even thousands of other people. But there are degrees here as well, with some games setting up matches with limited groups who either have to work together or all fight each other to win.

Multiplayer games can scratch that social itch that single-player games simply can’t. Yes, they can be frustrating, but they can also be incredibly satisfying, especially if you happen to be competitive. But you can also have a relaxing time while playing a multiplayer game.

Games like Eco encourage players to work together and collaborate to meet a goal. Eco is a survival game where you and other players on your servers have a limited time to save the planet. You have different roles, you create an economy, and a government, and success depends on everyone. This is just one game, but it’s worth looking around for new and interesting multiplayer worlds to explore.

Of course, we can’t talk about multiplayer games without touching on the classic way to play multiplayer, which is two people on one device. While this is nowhere near as common as it once was, you can still find games that have either a cooperative mode or a split-screen multiplayer so you can get that classic gaming with friends experience.

Mobile Games

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Mobile gaming has an odd reputation. Some people seem to think it doesn’t count as gaming, and there are some issues in the industry. “Pay-to-win” games, where players essentially have to pay more money to progress, combined with systems designed to be addictive are the most common causes for controversy in the mobile gaming field.

Everyone has heard of a situation where a young child ends up spending loads of their parent’s money on a mobile game, often because the game is designed to make it very easy for them to do so.

However, this isn’t to say that there isn’t a lot of merit in mobile games. A lot of the internet flash games of old have been converted into mobile games that can keep you entertained for a good while. 

Card games have also found a place on mobile phones, as have classic strategy board games like chess. 

But developers are also designing and creating brand new games designed to be played on mobile devices. If you think about it, there has always been a market for gaming on the go. The Nintendo Switch is the most popular recent handheld gaming device on the market, but the old Gameboys and similar devices show that this is how a lot of people like to play games. 

Tabletop Games

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Finally, we come to tabletop games. Most people are familiar with board games, especially classic board games like Monopoly or Scrabble that you might play at family gatherings. But tabletop games can be so much more than that.

Even if we stick with board games, we’ve been experiencing something of a board game renaissance lately, with excellent and interesting board games being developed and released. Strategy games like Catan, Terraforming Mars, and Small World have taken the world by storm. Some of these board games have also been converted into video games, so you can scratch your board gaming itch on a digital platform and play with other people online.

You can’t talk about tabletop games without discussing tabletop RPGs. Most people have heard of Dungeons and Dragons, which allows players to create characters and go on quests in a fantasy world led by a dungeon master. These games rely on a combination of dice rolls and good decision-making, and the great thing about tabletop RPGs is that the rules are what you make of them. 

You can play according to the rules set out by the handbooks, or the dungeon master can switch things up a bit. The most important thing is that it’s fun for everyone involved.

Of course, while Dungeons and Dragons is probably the most famous TtRPG, it’s absolutely not the only option. If you prefer a cyberpunk-esque setting with a bit of magic still thrown into the mix, Shadowrun might be for you. If you fell in love with the nostalgia and horror of Stranger Things, you can play Kids on Bikes for your own hit of 1980s horror.

You also have tabletop strategy games to contend with. For example, the Warhammer games, which have also found their way into the video gaming world, allow you to control vast armies in either a fantasy or sci-fi setting and battle your friends.

As for how it enriches your life? What isn’t enriching about playing as a team, learning how to make clever strategic decisions, and exploring a completely different world? It’s fun. Which, let’s be honest, is what really matters.


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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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