Since 2012, The Geek Lyfe has given you amazing and exclusive content that highlights the indies and underdogs within the geeky communities. We pride ourselves in covering cosplay, gaming, movies, and more for our audience and supporters. Year after year, we’ve been happy to give you more. And now, we’re excited to announce new changes coming to our Patreon, all of it begins with you.
First, Thank you to the supporters of our past, present, and future
Our patrons of the past have been worthy of praise since they chose to support us. They are the ones that helped The Geek Lyfe grow its wings as we fly to new adventures. From the bottom of our pixelated hearts, we thank you. While we are unable to do much in our current state, we’ll be featuring side bar ads for those supporters to showcase their brands!
Our new structure; more thanks, content, and fun!
The Geek Lyfe’s changes to the Patreon is to help indie content creators of all kinds plus indie content fans of all kinds. There are now five tiers patrons can choose from:
$1 Tier: The Geek Lyfe Homies
Want to see what happens when no one’s watching? This one is for you! For this tier, you’ll get behind-the-scenes content exclusive to our patrons. Photos, videos, bloopers, event info, and more.
$5 Tier: The Geek Lyfe MVPs
In addition to our behind-the-scenes content, MVPs get access to our podcast Date Nights in the Dungeon, our sister podcast to Dungeons and Date Nights. The Date Nights in the Dungeon podcast is where we get personal— we put the hosts and guests with all kinds of relationship-related questions. Advice, stories, warnings, and facts are all a part of this podcast.
Along with access to our Patreon-only podcast, you’ll get sh*tposts from The Geek Lyfe staff; memes, screenshots, and maybe an occasional satire article. Sometimes the staff gets silly and we want to show you!
$10 Tier: The Real MVPs
If all that stuff sounds good but you still want more, we’re there for you. On top of the benefits The Geek Lyfe MVPs get, The Real MVPs get:
Advance notice of giveaways and events sent to you personally. If there’s a giveaway, you’ll be one of the first to know about it! We’ll also tell you what our upcoming events are so you can plan ahead of time for it.
Exclusive posts from The Geek Lyfe featuring creator posts and tales of misadventures from all the years we’ve been around! There is no end to the mistakes we’ve made or the unexpected good things that came from nowhere!
$15 tier: The Geek Lyfe Besties
At first you liked us, but now you really us! Our Besties get everything Real MVP’s get and a chance to enter into our Patreon-exclusive seasonal giveaways—and we make these giveaways juicy! They happen four times a year, and each one includes a special addition from The Geek Lyfe.
$20 tier: The Geeky Waifus for Lifus
This one is for content creators that love us and want some self-love too! They’re Geek Lyfe Besties that get a sidebar ad, plus an article written about you and featured on our site once every six months. For those that don’t have a brand, let us know a geeky person, company, or brand you’d want us to support!
What the future holds for you and for The Geek Lyfe
With our Patreon, our goal is to simply give more to the creators we already support, their fans, our fans, and expand to help other creators and fans. With the help of others, we can have our writers cover more conventions and interview more people you love. We can acquire more equipment to make the podcasts and videos you love better. We hope to become, overall, the best in the industry.
If you’re interested in what we can give to you, check out our Patreon and hang out a while!
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