Lots of people not only kids, love to play video games in the 21st century. Surprisingly, the video game industry goes back to the 1950s where it has greatly evolved to date. It’s important to note, reports have it that the industry generated close to 135 billion dollars in the year 2018. Many people have made intriguing careers out of playing video games. Getting paid to play video games must be the job of the century, you simply stumble out, sit in front of your screen and off you go to work.
Playing games was once a leisure and entertainment activity but this notion is a thing of the past. Video games can readily be found at almost every corner of our streets nowadays. The Arcade is a popular example of a game played by many in a number of platforms such as pomu. It’s a coin-operated gaming machine that is installed in public places for people to enjoy.
The benefits of video games go well beyond entertainment and some are highlighted as below;
Parents constantly give their children stern warming not to sit too close to the TV. However, scientists say that this theory is far from the truth. Playing video games in moderation may actually improve your vision instead of staining it. Gamers have realized a significant improvement in their sight from playing video games over time. Video games are able to capture a player’s attention for the entire game and psyche one to beat the odds in order to proceed to the next level.
Dyslexia is a specific disability is learning, comprehension, reading, and writing. It distorts how the brain processes graphic symbols. Most people who suffer from this defect see words backward and read numbers in reverse. Action video games can help those with dyslexia by improving vision attention and the ability to read. This is because video games require them to respond very quickly and swiftly shift attention from one part of the screen to another. Additionally, the player needs to achieve certain objectives within the game to proceed to the next level.
Gaming can look like one lonely experience to an outsider. Gamers are perceived to be either too isolated or too geeky. This is sometimes true depending on the choice of games a player chooses to indulge in. The revolution of the video game industry came up with online multiplayer experiences whereby a player can compete with other players from other parts of the world. This allows one to socialize with other gamers who work together to get a solution. There is constant communication between the players resulting in the development of meaningful as well as casual friendships.
Some video games require the players to make decisions under high pressure. This means that the player needs to think carefully before making a move while staying within the required guidelines. Some also have scenes that change from one environment to another. This, therefore, enables one to multi-task, take in sensory data efficiently and make quick and smart decisions. Video games allow one to be able to switch from right to left-brain thinking and give a prompt response.
When someone is in pain, the best way to overcome it minus medication is to distract yourself. With most injuries making one immobile, video games can be a welcomed pain killer. Playing video games produces an analgesic response in our body system known to relieve pain. Some hospitals are known to use virtual reality systems such as those used in video games to help alleviate pain in patients.
Video games exercise the mind through problem solving, memory and prompt decision making. When someone is playing a game, he or she is not only staring at the screen inactively. The activities on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation and physical movement. Puzzles especially help the older players as they juggle their memory and creativity which in turn reduces the aging of the brain cells.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo