The Results of Our Saboten Investigation


Hey friends!

Many of you no doubt saw our recent article regarding whether or not there would be any sort of construction during the weekend of Saboten. Initially, a lot of folks were concerned of there being aspects of the Sheraton‘s first floor that would be unavailable and we were right there with you! We dug deep to get concrete answers instead of just not knowing, and thankfully Saboten and the Sheraton stepped in to assist.

After various phone calls and emails all weekend long, the Sheraton’s Director of Marketing and Sales advised that the entire first floor of the Sheraton would in fact be available and fully operational to convention attendees of Saboten. The information we got from the Sheraton staff initially seemed to have been an miscommunication.

We’re really glad that this is the end result because I don’t think any of us wanted any aspect of the first floor that we all know and love to be unavailable. No one in this situation lied as well as it was all a big misunderstanding. Saboten told us they had a special arrangement and the Sheraton backed it up!

The reason we wrote this article was not to make anyone look negative or cause panic but simply to understand the truth. If there is a concern that is not alleviated in our community, it must not go ignored so that it can fester. It must be addressed. In the future hope to do whatever we can to step in and work hard to get that truth so our community continues to be properly informed.

For more information on Saboten be sure to visit their website! The event is taking place 8/30-9/2 at the Sheraton in Downtown Phoenix.

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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