Tickets for Crunchyroll’s Anime Movie Night Are Now Available!

Tickets for Crunchyroll’s Anime Movie Night Are Now Available!
Hey friends! Crunchyroll has officially announced that their tickets for Anime Movie Night are now available! If you aren’t in the know about what Anime Movie Night is, you can check out our previous article here! The TL;DR is that you and your friends can go to a local theater and watch fantastic anime series on the big screen! The inaugural Anime Movie Night will feature Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: Exclusive Theatrical Release!
Kun Gao, General Manager of Crunchyroll spoke a bit about the event, “Crunchyroll is always looking for ways to take anime to new heights and to better serve its passionate community. With Anime Movie Night, Crunchyroll can now take anime out of the living room and onto the big screen to reach more viewers with a heightened experience. What’s more, the theatrical release of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress gives fans an opportunity to come together to celebrate a favorite title at theaters across the country,”
I absolutely love the idea of Anime Movie Night and am so glad that there are so many participating theaters! I know I am going to snag my tickets and I urge you to do the same! Check out the list of available theaters on their website at:
If you are unfamiliar with Crunchyroll, they are a fantastic group of folks who provide fans high quality anime, subs, and so much in a legal fashion that is accessible on multiple devices. I love them and their company and can not recommend them enough for all of your anime needs! They always strive to provide fans with more ways to celebrate our mutual love Japanese entertainment with events like Anime Movie Night or even Anime Awards, feel free to check them out!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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