Imagine that you are a student and need to write an outstanding essay. What if your professor gave you freedom of choice and could pick any topic? How about choosing a video game and playing it? Surely you will be able to gain inspiration and create good paper thanks to new emotions. Here are the games that are worth your attention.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3 is a legendary game that forever changed the RPG game niche. Surely you will be delighted with the mix of Slavic fantasy, Scandinavian legends, and European folklore. In addition, the medieval setting, magic, and a charismatic main character will allow you to become a monster slayer and those who save kingdoms from an ancient evil. Moreover, this game will allow you to enjoy a perfectly crafted story and freedom of choice.
Surely you will enjoy and be able to get inspiration to create a good essay related to medieval traditions of magic. But what if you spend too much time on gameplay? In this case, you should find a good writing service in advance and delegate your assignment. Read this myassignmenthelp review to understand which companies should be ignored. Just a couple of minutes will also help you learn the key criteria for choosing reliable writing services.
Horizon Forbidden West
And here is a game that will delight fans of unique landscapes and an alternative history of the development of the human race. According to the plot, humanity has achieved unprecedented growth in technology by creating bio-robots to ensure all life processes. But something went wrong, and artificial intelligence destroyed our planet.
Millennia later, the terraforming system created favorable conditions for life on Earth again, but people lost ancient knowledge. They need to learn how to restore the world and make machines obey people again. This game will allow you to understand that not all knowledge can be comprehended in a short period. However, diligence and determination will allow you to achieve your goal no matter what.
Cyberpunk 2077
Surely you have heard about Cyberpunk 2077 at least once. This epic game shows what a world can look like where mind and body modifications have become a reality. The world lives according to new laws, and mega-corporations affect all important aspects of life. Such a video game will show you the struggle of ordinary people with injustice, violence, and lies.
In addition, the setting and background will allow you to find many references to the Bladerunner 2049 movie. Surely you will write a good essay about modern technology or artificial intelligence thanks to Cyberpunk 2077. Based on the plot and the characters’ behavior, you can form solid arguments why limb augmentation and memory implantation will lead to chaos on Earth.
Days Gone
Days Gone is a great game for those who love post-apocalypse, motorcycles, and beautiful landscapes. Imagine a world where a virus has turned most people into zombies. At the same time, uninfected people are forced to change their usual way of life and adapt to new, cruel rules. So this game will be interesting for students of biological faculties.
The fact is that writers describe the virus, its appearance, and its mutations in sufficient detail. In addition, the creators of the game came up with a logical explanation for the mutations and hidden memories left in the minds of the monsters. That is why future biologists will be interested in playing Days Gone. Surely you will get inspiration and write a great essay.
Detroit: Become Human
What if you need to write an essay on decision-making or a cause and effect paper? Maybe you should play Detroit: Become Human. The fact is that this video game is similar to an interactive movie. According to the backstory, the future world is faced with many social problems. Global digitalization has caused unemployment to rise. Robots began to perform most of the production processes. Moreover, now androids are no different from humans. In addition, buying a robot has become something of a good form.
People exploit androids and mock them at the slightest opportunity. That is why bio-robots decide to organize resistance to achieve equal rights with humans. The main feature of this game is the flexible decision-making system. You don’t have wrong plot decisions. In general, you can act in any sequence and watch how every step changes the world around you. Such a game is ideal for those who want to get inspired before creating assignments.
Final Words
Surely you understand that there are thousands of games worth your attention. All of them are interesting and will surely bring you positive emotions. At the same time, these five game titles will allow you to abstract from real life and learn something new. Get ready for exciting stories and gameplay that will allow you to find inspiration and start the writing process.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo