We’re a few weeks into the New Year after an astounding year for gaming in 2023, with huge releases, new benchmarks set for the most popular and most profitable games, and a huge push for gaming across many different genres, it looks like the success is showing no signs for slowing down. With 2024 set to be another huge year for gaming, we’ll take a look back at the top mobile genres of 2023, those that brought in the most profit, the most excitement, and the most players too.
Idle games on the rise – For the last few years, there has been a bit of a push for idle games to grow in popularity, and it has certainly worked as idle games were one of the most popular games of 2023. With a very casual play style, little involvement needed for the player, and for some most importantly no microtransactions or additional purchases required, it’s no surprise they’ve become so popular.
There have been a huge wave of new games in this genre too, so that would’ve definitely helped with the popularity too as players were keen to check our new releases and see what unique features they might have brought to the genre.
Casino remains at the top of mobile lists – Modern casino games have found a huge home on mobile gaming platforms, with an older audience typically with disposable income, the future looks bright for this category on mobile. With big sites like these that lists these non uk options for casino gaming too, the number of places to play these types of games is growing seemingly daily, with no end to the variety of games that can be played and no end to the number of sites that are available too.
Whilst many of these games don’t have dedicated apps just yet, that’s slowly changing too as regulation becomes more favorable and developers lean heavily into this market, there’s still plenty of change to come but it’s an exciting time on mobile for this genre.
RPG games top the list – For a number of years, even on mobile platforms, RPG games have been at the top of the list as the most popular gaming genre. Games like Genshin Impact have certainly helped this, and they bring in a huge amount of money for the developers too as the audience spans many different demographics.
Whilst it has been suggested there has been a small decline for this genre in 2023, it still tops the list by some margin, and expected to be one of the big performers throughout 2024 still as the most popular game genre on mobile.
Adventure games succeed across all platforms – Making it into the top three genre across all platforms of PC, Console, and Mobile, adventure games have solidified their position as perhaps the most reliable game genre to date. Adventure games span a huge range of different games so it’s no surprise to see it at the top, but does provide an exciting base for what the genre may bring in 2024 as mobile gaming keeps growing by leaps and bounds.
2024 will no doubt be a very strong year for gaming in general, but as the mobile market continues to be a potential future for all gaming in general, eyes will continue to be firmly fixed on what mobile gaming can bring to an ever growing audience.
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