Hey friends! The Geek Lyfe is looking to expand our coverage, both nationally and internationally! In order to do this, we are opening up a method to work with freelancers so they can write for us! Whether you are looking to do this as a hobby, or build your professional résumé, you’ve come to the right place!
How the process works:
-You’ll want to join our official Discord server: https://discord.gg/pFcsdwR
-In public chat, say your brand name and post in public chat ‘I want to be a Sell Sword’ (which is our official geeky name for freelancers internally) or ‘Freelancer’
-When granted the role, you will be given access to our dedicated channels where you can communicate with the staff and submit your content.
-Your article will be reviewed for quality, and edits will be requested.
-After the edits are completed, we’ll schedule your article to go live and it’ll list you as the author!
If someone consistently provides writing for us as a freelancer, we may extend an offer to become staff resulting in first dibs on product reviews, pass passes, paid projects, etc. If they choose to stay a Sell Sword, then they are favored over other Sell Swords who are applying due to their continued hard work and dedication.
We’ve unfortunately been burned in the past by various folks who take passes and are late, never provide content, or provided far less than what was agreed upon. This makes our outlet look unprofessional to the brands who granted us their products/passes, and can hurt business relationships.
If you are late on submitting content that involved passes or products that were given to you by The Geek Lyfe, it is a 3 month ban. If someone completely ghosts us, it is a permanent ban and all articles that were written by the writer may be removed.
There are redemption methods for those with unexpected circumstances or other conflicts that resulted in letting us down, but our requirements are so lenient that it should not be necessary. If you’re unable to meet the requirements or they feel overwhelming, just let us know and we’ll be happy to work out a solution! If you do ever encounter any issues as a freelancer, communication is the best way to maintain your good standing with The Geek Lyfe!
If you have any questions feel free to ask through email, info@thegeeklyfe.com, or on Discord!
Thanks guys!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo