Warhammer 40k ITC Tournament

Warhammer 40k ITC Tournament
Warhammer 40,000. Such a beautiful and majestic war game that demands hundreds of dollars, hours, and patience in order to play, yet we keep coming back. If you are unfamiliar with the Warhammer 40,000 franchise by Games Workshop here is a synopsis:
Warhammer 40,000 (informally known asWarhammer 40K, WH40K or simply 40K) is a tabletop miniature wargame
produced by Games Workshop, set in a dystopian science-fantasy universe.
I was introduced to the game in my senior year of high school by a friend. At first I looked at the plastic, painted figures and scoffed at the information
that each squad of troops often had to be purchased separately for a good bit of money. I thought it was utterly ridiculous that people would still play this game in an age of World of Warcraft.
I played my first match. The next week I got my paycheck and spent the entire $175 of a starter Chaos Space Marine army, paint brushes, glue, and paint. I
spent a good weekend giving my army a terrible paint job and looked over the codex before facing my friends in a match using my own army. It felt similar to being a apart of a car club where we have our own material object that is unique and different from everyone elses and we can show off their best aspects in battle.
Unfortunately, I ran into the issue of not being able to meet up with friends to game, which resulted in going an entire year playing only two Warhammer games. I loved the game and so did my friends, we spent countless time, money, and energy in our armies and could do little to stop the dust from gathering on their futuristic armor.
Recently, I got the chance to interview the fine folks behind Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade. They were generous in their answers and also provided us with various codes for their game! I took the opportunity to work with my personal favorite gaming store, Imperial Outpost Games. I knew they ran tournaments every so often and approached their owner, Darren, about the proposition. He loved the idea and we worked together to give the tournament goers awesome prizes!
When I arrived at the tournament I was able to interview the tournament runner, Don about himself and his love for Warhammer which you can listen to below!
I had previously been intimidated by tournaments growing up because I never thought myself better than my fellow man. Especially when it comes to a game as complex as Warhammer, I often wake up in a cold sweat after having nightmares about people laughing at my paint job or which units I brought to the battle. I expected to meet elitists who eat, sleep, and breathe Warhammer and would fight to the death to ensure they win by any means.
In reality, a group of average guys came into the store with their cases of figures and smiled at one another as they exchanged pleasantries and commented on how they adored each other’s paint job. These were people who so kind, light hearted, welcoming, and down to earth that I found myself having fun without even playing!
When it was time to game each player matched up with their opponent, shook hands and admitted their deepest fears about the match in a joking matter. even if players admitted to being shaky on the rules or had never participated in the ITC format, it was a non issue and their opposing players would walk them through the process.
Over the course of the battles, they laughed at impossible dice rolls, grew salty for brief moments when a situation grew so intense that they needed a ref’s decision to announce which army would lose a skirmish, and after everything was done they talked about the match, giving one another tips on how they could have done better while also praising them for their well placed tactics. Not a single bit of bitterness could be felt in the entire tournament, these were people who love the game and love their peers for sharing a common interest.
I was completely blown away by my experience and will definitely be participating in future Warhammer 40k ITC events! Everything from Imperial Outpost being amazing hosts to the leadership of Don in organizing the event and the kindness of the community, I highly recommend that anyone with an interest in Warhammer whether to game or to break into, you should check out Imperial outpost for more information and check out Wargameraz.com for tournament listings!
A huge congrats to the winners of the tournament and the Eternal Crusade codes:Â 1. Derek Page With Imperial Knights and Adeptus Mechanicus 2. Scott Freeman With Orkz 3. Jay Gardner-Hajek With his Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marine!
A huge huge thank you to Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade for providing the codes for their game, everyone loved the surprise prize and could not wait to win the codes!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo