We Are Having The Last Kingdom Withdrawals! Where Is Season 4 At?!

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a show on Netflix called The Last Kingdom and it is SO good. For three straight seasons it has shocked and awed viewers as a historical drama. Yes, that is right, it is a historical drama meaning it doesn’t have magic or fantastic beasts in order to be incredible, it can do it all on its own. Character development, intense battles, romance, betrayal, and so much more.
For those who don’t know about The Last Kingdom:
The tale has its main character re-baptised as Uhtred after his elder brother is killed by the invading Danes. Then his father along with other Saxon noblemen of Northumbria are killed in battle with these same Danes. Only his uncle and step-mother survive. Uhtred and a Saxon girl named Brida are taken as slaves by Earl Ragnar, now settled in Danish Northumbria, which becomes their adopted home as they grow older. Time passes and Ragnar’s daughter Thyra is about to be married, but fellow Danes attack the night before the wedding and set the hall ablaze in which the whole family are sleeping. Ragnar is burned alive, and Thyra is taken as a slave. Only Uhtred and Brida escape, as they had been in the woods watching the charcoal burn.
The attackers are led by Kjartan, a disgruntled Viking who had been banished by Ragnar from his lands years earlier for an offense committed by Kjartan’s son Sven. Uhtred vows to avenge his adoptive father’s death, while simultaneously hoping to reclaim Bebbanburg from his uncle—who seeks to kill Uhtred in order to hold onto the land of Bebbanburg.
Uhtred is forced to choose between a kingdom that shares his ancestry and the people of his upbringing, and his loyalties are constantly tested.
In the last season of The Last Kingdom, we watched Uhtred combat sickness, sorcery, and overwhelming odds that left us wanting so much more! That is why we are excited to see so many posts about the filming and behind the scenes of the upcoming season!
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Unfortunately, there is no official release date for Season 4, however we expect it’ll be hitting Netflix in 2020 some time by the looks of the progress being made in 2019! Be sure to catch up or re-watch The Last Kingdom on Netflix!
Also I still am head over heels for Skade.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo