We Got to Experience the Kia Stinger and It Was Rad

Good day, friends! Darth Mexican here and I got to attend Kia’s Stinger Experience and wanted to share what I went through! First off, I wanted to let you know that I received monetary compensation from Kia to promote the Kia Stinger. However, this Stinger Experience was such a great event that even if I was not paid, I would have loved this event! Let’s get into it!
You may have seen the Kia Stinger from the Super Bowl Commercial:
The Kia Stinger is the first ever High Performance vehicle that offers such power and finesse at a price that is more affordable than other vehicles of similar performance. Here are some of the specs:
• 0-60 MPH in as low as 4.7 seconds
• 365 HP and 376 lb. of ft. torque
• Alloy wheels engineered to conquer any road
• Advanced range of safety features allowing you to face slick roads and unexpected turns with confidence
• Powerful braking system that reins in higher speeds

This is what a saint looks like. Bless this man!
Personally, my knowledge of car culture is very limited so every aspect of the Stinger Experience was an eye opener for me. I came to the event and was greeted with kindness and assistance by staff who were excited to showcase Kia’s hard work and had no problem at all taking time to answer questions until every single person was satisfied.
Prior to the actual driving of the vehicles, they ran through the history of Kia where I learned just how young of a company Kia is and how they use that to their advantage to help innovate and do what ever they need to in order ensure their drivers are just as passionate about their products as they are making them. They went on to show us the Stinger models and all of its features up close and personal. Beyond the realm of performance, the audio system in the Stinger features a minimum of six speakers and various options to allow you to enjoy driving even if you might be stuck in rush hour traffic, no matter if your choice is the smoothest of Jazz or European Death Metal.
Before driving the Stinger, we drove a vehicle from competing brands that way we got a live comparison. With me was a professional driver who had a resume so intense that it would shame most fictional action heroes. Despite his love and passion for vehicles, he didn’t mind at all when I admitted how little I know about the culture. He took time to introduce me to various concepts and speak on why it means so much to him. I now have such a huge appreciation for performance vehicles!
HOWEVER! I had to apologize profusely to him because I am the worst driver and that man was a saint for dealing with me! This was pretty much my driving minus the crash part:
I drove like a turtle because I was scared to hit the cones and he encouraged me to push the Stinger to show just how powerful it can be. He also gave driving tips that I have been applying to my actual driving! When he got into the car, lord almighty, watching that man drive was like watching a musician and their instrument. He twisted, turned, and showed me what 0 to 60 in four seconds felt like!
There was a huge difference between the ride in the competing vehicles and the Stinger. While providing information verbally helped me understand what the vehicle offers, the best lesson was sitting in the car and getting to feel your stomach turn at the high speeds and turns yet know that you are as safe as can be because you were surrounded by quality. There were also a wealth of safety features to help keep everyone in the Stinger safe.
At the end of everything they gave a box filled of swag including sunglasses from Sunski, a chocolate berry basket, and a water bottle with chalk pen called Sip by Swell! I came out of this experience with such a huge respect for Kia and the Kia Stinger. We also have more coverage on our Instagram story that we made for a specific highlight of the Stinger Experience! If you enjoy car culture, high performance vehicles, and are wondering just how incredible the Stinger is, I would absolutely check out the Kia website and/or hit up a local dealership!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo