Of all of the hobbies in the world it’s likely gaming is the one that has given you the most negative feedback. It’s not that people don’t like gaming in general, it’s just that it’s sometimes the hobby that’s declared is too violent or turning your brain into mush or making you neglect your children. Some people are even taught that gaming is an immature hobby that only children should enjoy but we all know that that’s not correct.
Even adults really do enjoy the Honkai: Star Rail Moment of Joy achievement when they are gaming. The statistics really don’t lie because it’s not just children out there playing games right now. The average gamer is in their 30s because they were around when gaming first boomed in the 90s. Gaming is not just an enjoyable pastime but it’s a healthy one and it’s one that you shouldn’t give up just because other people tell you to. Here are some reasons why it’s actually a really good hobby to have.
- It makes you more creative. Creativity doesn’t stop when you’re a child. You may have taken art classes in school and that may have lapsed a little bit but adults still like to be creative from time to time. Having something to stimulate your creativity and take you away from the humdrum of the workplace is an amazing thing. Creative playtime is a must even with the adults! We don’t grow out of gaming, we just grow into a different kind.
- You learn to focus. If you’re able to play as a sniper in a game and learn how to focus on a screen with complete precision, then you’re going to be able to translate that into your everyday life. Everything feeds into that need for instant gratification including having children, but gaming doesn’t feed into that. Gaming isn’t instant gratification, it’s the slow build up of something great. It requires you to focus fully on the task at hand and you can’t just scroll through your phone while it’s playing in the background. You have to immerse yourself in the world that you have in front of you which helps you to learn to focus properly.
- You become an excellent problem solver. This is a hobby that actually teaches you to learn from your mistakes and try to solve things in different ways. Gaming requires you to be logical and think critically, so your deduction skills and a host of other skills that you will need will help you to learn how to problem solve properly. This will end up helping you in real life.
- You can improve your coordination. When you’re trying to game, you’re going to improve your hand eye coordination and you have to be in alert state at all times. You never know where the enemy is going to be and you never know what your reflexes are going to need.
Gaming could be the one thing that really makes you tick – you just have to find the right game to achieve it!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
One reason i like gaming is because it takes your mind off real world problems even if only for a short period.