Why is Roblox so successful?

In this article, we are going to give you our opinion, of why Roblox is so successful. Many people have heard of Roblox, but have no idea what it is about. To put it simply, Roblox is a digital space, where people can interact with each other and play games that have been designed by the people of the community. You can find anything, funny games, action games or even horror games

 Roblox offers the tools for game creation to everyone, and these are the games that people are playing on the platform. There are millions of games available for people to enjoy, with more and more coming out every day.

What is curious about the case of Roblox, is that even though the gaming industry had advanced a lot these recent years, and gamers are getting used to looking at hyper-realistic graphics, games with no graphic quality are being enjoyed by millions of players. So why is Roblox so successful?


What is Roblox doing?

We will begin with the thing that has the biggest impact on this community. That is that the games are being created by people that are themselves members of its community. This is positive for several reasons that we will list below.

Firstly, the developers, have invested time using the Roblox platform, and playing games in it, so they understand more accurately what the average Roblox player is. Of course, they don’t know everyone, but when they are creating a game for a specific subset of the community, they pretty much get the right feeling. That’s why so many games are huge successes. 

Secondly, the developers are much closer to the gamers, so the feedback of the people is received by the developers and more easily put in the game. The problem with big triple-A games is that the players are so many, that when the companies are trying to satisfy everyone, they end up creating a game that is just average for most people.

What drives a lot of people to play Roblox, is the increasing resources that are required to play even the simplest game. Not everyone has the luxury to spend thousands of dollars so he can play the games that are coming out. Most people have an average machine that is not capable of meeting the requirements for modern games. So when a platform appears with games that offer the same amount of fun with almost no requirements, it’s normal that the people will flock to it.

Lastly, what we find very important in the Roblox ecosystem, is that there is a lot of understanding between gamers and developers. On their part, the developers want to meet the needs of the community by creating games that will entertain them, but on the other hand (and that is very important), the gamers understand, that the developers are just some normal people, that in their free time, decided to create something for the sake of others. This gives the developers a lot of confidence to experiment with their games, knowing that the community will support them even if their experiments fail.



There are a lot of things that Roblox has done to create a strong and loyal community and a lot more than the creators are thinking about doing, to provide the best entertainment for their users. No matter if you are new or old to Roblox, you will find a game that will hit the sweet spot in you. The most important thing is to have fun playing the games and keep being good to each other. This is what makes the Roblox community so unique. 

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

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