Wondercon 2017 was amazing! (Review)

Wondercon 2017 was amazing! (Review)
In 2016 I just got out of a break up and had a tax refund siting in my bank account so I did what any rational person would do and booked a flight to LA for Wondercon! It was actually my first time traveling by myself knowing almost no one in the California scene. Sticking true to my roots, I was mostly a wallflower that soaked in the sights and people around me. Although I was contacted by major outlets to cover certain media events I was too overwhelmed and just enjoyed the convention. I had an absolute blast there and it was one of the best experience I had in the year of 2016.
Imagine my surprise when I was told by all of my peers that Wondercon at the LA convention center was nothing compared to being held at the Anaheim convention center. Sure enough I made damn sure I would attend this year to see exactly what made the Anaheim convention center so wonderful. Lets dive right into the review!
This is going to be a bit bias but I absolutely loved the food trucks that Wondercon had parked by the entrance. The vendors ranged from desserts like ice cream sandwiches to burger and grilled cheese. I chose to go with Spudrunners who specialized in the art of grilled cheese and gourmet fries. Among their many choices, I picked the pulled pork sandwich and was blown away by how sweet and savory it was. Admittedly, I kept coming back to the truck for the same sandwich all weekend but could not resist. Friends whose willpower was stronger than mine had nothing but great things to say about the other vendors!
For many costumers, California is the big leagues for cosplay culture due to Anime Expo, San Diego Comic Con, and Blizzcon taking place in the state. Wonder Con was no different as many folks brought out their latest and greatest costumes to exceed what they had done at the previous convention. Arizona natives such as Sara Moni, Amber Skies, Heartless Aquarius, George Grant, Lavashadow Cosplay, and so many more showed up and did a killer job! We got the chance to interview some great cosplayers like Mysterious Ways Cosplay, Tank Smile, and a cosplaying couple who did Spike and Faye!
The guests were fantastic and so worthwhile, Wondercon featured Chad Hardin, Jim Lee, Marguerite Sauvage, Gerard Way, and so many more influential folks in the comic book industry! Other celebrities found at Wondercon were Jonny Cruz, the voice of Lucio from Overwatch, Keith Silverstein who is the voice of Trobjorn, Jenny Lorenzo of Mitu, Wil Wheaton, and so many more! personally, I enjoyed when Keith Silverstein popped into an Overwatch cosplay gathering on Saturday and posed with the group for photos!
The amount of vendors at Wondercon was overwhelming to say the least. Every single artist had such incredible work that had me whipping out my wallet far too much! One of the vendors I adored was Super Emo Friends which is an artist who specializes in taking prominent characters and displaying them being sad about some aspect of their life for the sake of comedy. It was such a great idea! Another booth I enjoyed was hosted by Cosplay Melee which is a show on Syfy showcasing the talents of various cosplayers. They set up a cosplay repair station chalk full of tools to help repair costumes that was well used and well staffed! Lastly, I always love coming by the Capcom booth to check out the gamers duking it out on Street Fighter V! A good amount of con goers could not resist stopping in their tracks to watch two skilled fighters battle it out on the big screen!
I have to agree with my peers that Wondercon at the Anaheim convention center is pretty amazing. Although I did enjoy myself in 2016, I had a lot more fun this year. The entrance of Wondercon had a long stretch of land that was perfect for the food trucks, the pathways in between building offered precious sunlight and shade for photo shoots, and there were so many great places on site to have as back drops for costumes.
One of the major drawbacks of the Anaheim convention center is that it is right next to Disneyland making it difficult to not drop all of my money into Mickey’s pockets. On a serious note, it was a great location that many folks felt comfortable walking up and walking the sidewalk without fear of being robbed.
The staff of Wondercon did everything in their power to help out convention goers and constantly checked props for safety. While this might seem annoying for some, I appreciate all the effort they went through because it gave me peace of mind that anything even remotely dangerous at least had a difficult time making it through due to the constant checks at badge readers.
Wondercon 2017 was such a great convention that it very well may be the shining moment of my entire year. Everything from the guests to the cosplay and the vendors make it great. I applaud the organizers of Wondercon for all their hard work. I loved every single aspect of the trip and convention. My only regret si that I was unable to do more but will make every effort to race around attending all of the events next year!
What did you think of the convention?
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
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Excellent post always enjoy new upcoming articles thank’s for submitting this article