Ladies and gentlemen, there is one convention we look forward to every year, and it is none other than WonderCon! This awesome convention takes place in the Anaheim Convention center and is the sister convention to the goliath that is San Diego Comic Con! This year we sent The Geek Lyfe veterans, Tidesiren, Cheshsmiles, and LvckyDiamond!
Who could resist the hype of Wonder Con with such guests as Vita Ayala, Jen Bartel, Scott Snyder, and more?! Not to mention the cosplay scene at WonderCon is one of the best in the nation as all of the major cosplayers flock from around the world to showcase their latest and greatest costumes.
The convention itself is incredible when it comes to organization and security as the experience of San Diego Comic Con is felt. Every staff member knew where most major events were taking place, the safety of attendees was top notch, and even though there were over a hundred thousand people on site every single person had their personal space.
WonderCon weekend provided tons of panels and events to attend to ensure that folks had a grand time. Artist alley had some of the best artists in the indie scene offering convention goers their wares! Although the badges can get expensive, especially if you have to fork out money for a hotel and travel but you get your money’s worth! Not to mention that the badges are mailed out to convention goers prior to the con so there is even less of a wait time.
One of my all time favorite aspects of WonderCon is the fact that the best food trucks California has to offer show up to feed hungry geeks. It is a great combo since you’ll no doubt burn some calories hustling around the convention center so you can justify eating fantastic food!
We highly recommend attending WonderCon if you love comic books, movies, anime, and don’t mind tons of like minded fans!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
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