World’s First Adult eSports Tournament is Launched by Nutaku

Nutaku is the world’s leading adult gaming platform and they have teamed up with (NSFW)YouPorn to make the first ever adult eSports tournament called Lewd Gaming Championship. November 5th to the 9th, sixty four players will battle it out in single elimination matches on Tits ‘N Tanks.
About Tits ‘n’ Tanks
The Spiritual Induction System has been activated, allowing new weapons to come into being. Now that the military Tank academy has been established, humans are now using their minds to control fighting systems.Talented young women have been selected by the system and upgraded for combat efficiency. There are 3 factions that contain 5 girls each. All girls have passive and active skills that will have an effect on your tank stats. Move wisely, as the borders are now the battlefield.
The enemy is relentless, but so are our girls. As feisty as they are smart, these combat-ready hotties are awaiting your orders! – Nutaku
The grand prize is $15,000 with the second prize being $7,500 and third getting $2,500. It should also be mentioned that all participants get a free 12 month pass to YouPorn premium thanks to YouPorn!
While registration for the game is close for this year, you can still check out everything the tournament has to offer by checking out Nutaku’s Twitter feed! We are actually stoked to see what will come out of this tournament and if we can expect to see more porn industries openly supporting the gaming community!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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