Youtuber ProJared Suspected of Cheating on Cosplayer Wife, Atelier Heidi, with Cosplayer Commander Holly

For years I have been a huge fan of Game Grumps, Commander Holly, Dodger, Jesse Cox, ProJared, and so many more. Every single day, while at work or at home, I would consume their content and get over the moon with excitement when they came out with collaborations. For anyone who might be unfamiliar with who these people are, they are content creators who host a majority of the video game content on either Twitch or YouTube.These creators became much more than just entertainers for myself and many other fans, they very much became our family.
That’s why when I got the news that major drama was happening, I jumped out of bed to deep dive to understand what was going on.
Above is the tweet from Atelier Heidi that got the tea flowing like tsunami onto Twitter. I took a screenshot of this tweet, along with others, because of the likelihood of it being deleted, at a later time. She advised she posted this because of her soon to be ex-husband, Pro Jared’s tweet on the matter.
Commander Holly, who Heidi has accused of Projared cheating with, also chimed in.
Fans were absolutely not having it, and were not shy about it.
Translation: IMmA Go aWAy fRoM tWtitTeR Bc IM CAuGht PlEAse PitY mE
— ً (@FMLNAMJOON) May 9, 2019
But then I saw this.
if you cheated on Ross I-
— aleks? (@Pipsqueak_Elric) May 9, 2019
hey guys! ross and holly got divorced in September 2018! yeehaw!
— ben @ RF5 (@TwilitEpitaph) May 9, 2019
And it shot me into a whirlwind because I had noticed a while ago Ross, who was the husband of Commander Holly had posted about their splitting up.
Sometimes life drags you in separate directions, today that is the case. @HollyConrad and I have decided to split. It wasn’t an easy decision. She wanted to live in a state with trees, but I’m tethered to a state with smog. Still good friends and there’s nothing but love! ✌️
— Ross O’Donovan (@RubberNinja) September 19, 2018
It is unclear if they got an official divorce or just physically split a part, however what is known is that shortly after Twitter caught fire, Game Grumps removed all content featuring ProJared from their channel. A majority of those videos got hundreds of thousands of views and it takes a bit of time to go through all of their content and delete them so whatever is happening behind the screen has affected them so personally that they felt the need to do this.
Other content creators, such as PeanutButterGamer, stepped into the mix to give his thoughts, which leaned heavily to defending ProJared. This did not go over well.
— Nicki Minaj Factkin (@DetectiveChungy) May 9, 2019
— 「C R O E Y」 (@croeystoey) May 9, 2019
Even his own subreddit has turned on him! At least for a few minutes until it got changed back.
In all honesty, this sucks. These people were, at one point, a united group of content creators who entertained millions. A lot of us considered them to be as close as family and to know that something this devastating can happen snaps us back to reality. At the end of the day, I know that we’re all human beings and a lot of us can never truly know just what the circumstances are behind the scenes. At least as far as marriage goes.
But the accusations of ProJared sending explicit content to others on Snapchat and all of the evidence coming down the pipeline is terrifying and disgusting. Our hearts go out to all those affected by this drama, except for Commander Holly and ProjJared. You guys could have, and should have, done better.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |