How Crypto Is Changing The Geek World

The crypto world is growing in popularity, with 13% of Americans trading crypto between 2020 and 2021. While more traditional portfolios, such as stock exchange investments, are still going strong, it makes no doubt that crypto is on the verge of becoming mainstream. 

According to a survey published by the University of Chicago, digital crypto trading appeals to a younger audience with a diverse ethnic, gender, and socio-cultural background. 

Yet, crypto is not only popular for enthusiastic investors. Indeed, more and more game enthusiasts and geeks are finding significant advantages to blockchain technology and crypto trading. In fact, the introduction of crypto could transform the digital world and mark the start of a gaming revolution. 

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Crypto gambling is a thing

The growth of online casinos has forced casino owners to adapt to the challenges of a digital environment. Indeed, to remain competitive in a fast-growing online platform, casinos need to constantly present new and exciting games to appeal to a wider audience. As players can easily compare sites for bonuses and rewards, online casinos have to consider the importance of loyalty programs, generous bonuses, and welcoming packages to attract players. They are also responsible for raising awareness about gambling addiction, ensuring that customer accounts are set with spending limits to prevent dramatic consequences. 

But crypto currency is almost making a noticeable apparition in the world of online casinos, providing unique protection for customers. By linking their account to a Bitcoin wallet, customers do not need to disclose their bank account, and the transaction only needs a few minutes and is safe and fully anonymous. Besides, Bitcoin casinos also include bonuses and rewards for customers using crypto currency payments. 

Game illustrators can sell unique art

Many name CryptoKitties, the Ethereum game enabled users to collect digital cats NFTs, as the inspiration behind crypto art. Essentially, using blockchain technology and non-fungible token principles, artists can utilize the crypto scene to sell unique digital art. 

For game designers such as Marguerite de Courcelle, placing crypto at the core of her games allows users to buy in-game NFT items while enabling her to control her art revenue. 

The advantage of creating art for the crypto platform means that digital creations become unique. Every digital artist understands the difficulty of protecting their pieces, as a digital file can be downloaded, copied, corrupted, transformed, uploaded again, and it can lose its unique copyright in the process. For game illustrators creating in-game items, creatures, and adds-on, NFT art becomes a source of reliable in-game revenues. 

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How far does the impact of crypto technology go in the digital gaming and gambling world? We are truly at the beginning of a new wave. Chances are blockchain and crypto transactions are likely to become crucial not just to protect one’s own money or creation but also to address some of the growing concerns in the gaming community: 

  • Protecting a professional gamer’s identity
  • Protecting game footage despite the rise of streaming platforms 
  • Protecting users in live-streaming chats
  • Reducing plagiarism within the gaming industry
  • Maximizing charity and corporate gaming events
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