Spocktopus: Woman Of A Dozen Faces

Spocktopus: Woman Of A Dozen Faces
2nd in command for Starship Geek Lyfe, Spocktopus is awesome incarnate. She loves all things geeky and has no problem letting the world know. Checking her bank account, you may be surprised by just how much of her finances goes to video games, various geeky box services, anime, manga, seasons of TV shows and so much more. Her passion far exceeds just being a spectator though as she actively cosplays, making crafts for different fandoms and even gifts for fellow Geek Lyfe fans for giveaways!
I, Darth Mexican, found the blog/Facebook page growing far too large for me to manage on my own and one day searched for potential admins. I noticed Elysa aka Spocktopus liked and commented on various Geek Lyfe posts and reached out to her about coming on board. I was nervous because it seems so odd a thing to be approached randomly by the creator and asked to assist. To my surprise she accepted and was super excited! Since then she has been there for Geek lyfe through the best of times and the worse of times and I’m proud to call her my VP!
This is just a few of her recent face paints that she does herself in honor of various fandoms from Penny Dreadful to Attack On Titan. She puts a ton of time and energy in each session and has done a dozen more facepaints and is planning on doing many more in the future(There may even be hints to teaching others how to do face paints!)
She is a wonderful writer, admin, friend, and could probably survive a zombie apocalypse better than most of us by blending in via face paint. We’re incredibly grateful to have her on our side in the past, present and for all future Geek Lyfe projects!
Stay tuned for more spotlights on the Admins of The Geek Lyfe in the near future!Â
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo